Chapter 3 Part 1

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*Sorry guys about not updating yesterday my (Great)Grandad is the hospital so I was visiting him and then had some voice lessons.*

    We weren't really playing cards anymore after the nurse came in to take the IV out. We were split up into two different conversations. Me,Faith, and Jordan were talking.

''You need to hurry up and get married!'' Faith said.

''Ah its a couple months away,'' Jordan said with excitement.

''So we are working on it,'' I said with attitude.

''Woah, calm down Hon.'' Jordan said and put his hand on my leg.

''Don't touch my leg I haven't got to shave yet.'' I whined and moved his hand.

''Well who pooped in your corn flakes?'' Faith asked

''Sorry my ankle is starting to hurt a bit and I'm tired.'' I said.

''Well that means its time to get the nurse and for us to leave so you can sleep.'' Jordan said.

''No!'' I half yelled which caused everyone to look at me,''I don't want you to leave!''

''Okay,'' he put his hands up, ''We won't leave but I'm getting the nurse weather you like it or not,''

I stuck my tongue out at him when he turned to leave. Not very mature but who said I had to be mature all the time. Faith just kinda laughed a little. A couple minutes later he returned with the doctor.

''We have some good news.'' the doctor said while Jordan came over and took the ice off of my foot honestly I forgot it was on there.

''Good,'' I said waiting anxiously to hear it.

''Your foot is not broken or fractured. It a Sprain but you are very lucky its not broken. We will need to put a boot on you and if at all possible stay off of it as much as you can for at least a week.''

''Okay, Is that all?'' Jordan asked.

''No, after we get you your boot we think its safe to release you.''

''Really!'' I half screamed in excitement.

''Oh, Sammie, please don't do that again.'' Matti said.

''Yes, we are very certain.'' the doctor said and left.

''Yay! I want everyone to come to my house and continue playing games and eat some cake and ice cream.'' I said.

''Okay,'' everyone agreed.

The nurse came in and put the boot on and gave me some pain killers. ''That was Tylenol so if you are in a lot of pain you can take some of those. And we are all set. You can go now.'' she said and left.

''Thank you!'' I yelled after her.

Jordan put his arm around me and the other under my legs as if to pick me up.

''No! Please let me walk and I'll let you walk beside me so you can help me if I need it.'' I said putting my hand on his arm and looking into his eyes.

''Okay, but one stumble and I'm going to carry you the rest of the way.'' Jordan said.

''Awww,'' Matti and Faith said together.

''Thats cute,'' Matti said and Faith agreed.

I blushed, ''Okay guys I get the point,'' I said as I grabbed Jordan's arm to help myself up.

We started walking put of the hospital of course I was a little slow and then Alex slowed way down in front of me.

''Alex, go a little faster or I'm gunna end up stepping on your heals.''

''I do what I want.'' he said but went faster.

We got outside and I almost fell right off the curb. Like Jordan said I was in his arms in less than a second and I rolled my eyes.

''Okay fine you carry me then.'' I said. My ankle was hurting so I wasn't going to fight.

He smiled, ''I'd be happy to.''

''Okay we will see you guys later.'' Matti said and Shawn went to their vehicle.

''See you later.'' Faith said as she went with Hunter.

''Okay, see you at my house.'' I said.

Jordan took me to the truck. Really out of the car and truck you had to choose the truck. We shared both of our vehicles. I opened the passenger door and he put me on the seat and made sure I didn't have my firgers or anything in the way before he shut the door. He walked around the truck, got in, and started the truck. He made sure I was buckled before he buckled himself. He was somewhat overprotective but I love it. Well most of the time.

''Penny for your thoughts,Love.'' Jordan said looking at me but went back to the looking at the road.

He knew I love it when he called me "Love". ''I was just thinking about how your sometimes overprotective.''

''Overprotective huh?'' he asked and laughed.

''Yeah what's so funny.''I said.

''If I was overprotective none of this would've happened.''

''Don't do that to yourself. Its not your fault,''

The rest of the way to my house was quiet all except the radio that Jordan turned on. He parked in the driveway and turned the truck off.

''Jordan, look at me.'' I said looking at him.

He looked at me.

''I don't blame you, God doesn't blame you, and our friends don't blame you. So please don't blame yourself. It is not your fault.'' I said.

''But you don't understand. I killed that guys wife before he could meet up with her.'' he said looking away as if I would change my mind.

''That's your job, Jordan. If you wouldn't of killed her she would've killed you.'' I said moving his face so I could look into his eyes and he leaned closer.

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