Chapter 7 Part 1

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''What do you guys want to do after breakfast? We have no electronics not even a tv.'' I said waiting for them to finish eating.

''Well--,'' Jordan started when the prepay phone rang, ''It's Charlie. Got to take this.'' he said leaving.

''Well I forgot about the prepay phone but we can't really do anything with that plus Jordan needs that for Charlie.'' I said getting up and starting to clean up.

''I don't know,'' Faith said.

Pebbles came over to me and started shaking her tail wanting a pancake. I wasn't gunna let her have one its not very good for her.

''No, Pebbles, you can't have one. What about you Matti? What do you want to do?'' I asked.

''I don't know,'' she said.

''Do you want to just sit and talk till everyone else wakes up?''

''Yeah, then you can explain a little more about what's going on.'' Faith said.

''I'll tell you what I know.'' I said.

After they finished eating and we finished up cleaning they led the way to the living room. Jordan came in a couple minutes ago and went back out to look around. We got to the living room and there was a couch and a couple reclining chairs. Not the very best arrangement but it would have to do. The couch was so big that it could probably fit all but maybe 2 of us 8. That's where the recliners came in. I walked over and sat on the middle of the couch.

''Okay, this couch is big. Just saying its like twice the size of mine. And its more comfortable.'' I said and they sat down.

''Yeah it is very big.'' Faith said.

''So where do you want me to start?'' I asked.

''How about with the break in.''Matti said.

''Oh, that was scary. He tied Pebbles up in the kitchen and I went to save her after I called Jordan. And you kinda know the rest up to after the hospital. There was a person in my room. He climbed in through my bedroom window. Don't know who or what else is going on.'' I said.

''Like why all of a sudden are people going after you?'' Faith asked.

''Because a year ago I made a mistake and shot a woman before I called for backup and her fiance went absolutely crazy. He first went to jail for helping to kill someone. He apparently broke out of jail a couple weeks ago and I just found out when someone had broke into Sammie's house. I should' ve been more careful when a madman tells me he will get revenge.'' Jordan said standing in the doorway.

''Your leaving the most important part out. That woman had a gun pointed at you if you wouldn't of shot she would of killed you. Why are you so harsh on yourself? God has forgiven you! So why can't you forgive yourself?'' I said.

''I put you in danger, Sammie.'' He said setting my bag on the ground.

''I don't care. God won't let anything that's not suppose to happen. If your looking for me to forgive you I do. You need to forgive yourself its in the past.''

''Well this guy is going after you now so its kinda happening now.'' he started raising his voice a little.

''You've been holding onto it even when it wasn't. It's been a year Jordan. Why can't you forgive yourself?'' I kept pushing even though I should've stopped.

''Because, Sammie. The gun she had wasn't loaded!'' He yelled.

All was quiet for a couple minutes. I felt like I should say something but I couldn't get anything to come out. If it were me I wouldn't be able to forgive myself either. I felt so bad I shouldn't of pushed him like that. I should've waited till he was ready to tell me about it.

''Jordan, I'm--'' I started but he interrupted.

''I'm gunna go take a shower.'' he said not even looking at me he left.

I closed my eyes, ''Sammie?'' Faith asked.

''Yes?'' I whispered.

''You okay?'' She asked.

''No,'' my voice cracked and I couldn't hold in the tears.

Matti and Faith came and sat by me. Faith grabbed my hand, ''Tell us about it. We are right here and won't leave.''

''I'm so scared. I know God is here with us all. But I couldn't sleep very well, I don't like being alone with no one by me. I don't know what to do. Me and Jordan are snippy at each other one moment and fine the next. I don't like it. I want it to go away. And now I pushed him into telling me something he was ready to tell me.'' I said with my voice cracking.

''It's all gunna be okay, Sammie.'' Faith said.

''Like you just said Sammie, God won't let anything happen that's not supposed to. I would be scared to. It will go away but not in your timing, in God's timing. You just have to trust he has everything under control. And Jordan, you two will be fine, he can't be mad at you for along time. I'd give it a couple hours if that.'' Matti said.

''She has a point, Sammie. You both can't be mad at each other for long.'' Faith said.

I smiled, ''Thanks, you guys are really awesome. I love you guys. Both of you help me beyond I can even express. I'd be lost without friends like you. You always know when something is wrong. I couldn't ask for better friends because there isn't any.'' I said hugging Faith then Matti.

''Awe, thank you. And we love you too.'' Faith said.

''Okay, well I have a question for you guys. I noticed there's a bathroom in the bedroom I slept in last night. Would you guys be willing to sit in the room and talk or whatever till I get done taking a shower? It won't take me long I promise.'' I asked.

''Yeah, sure.'' Faith said.

''Sure I don't mind.'' Matti said.

''Thanks.'' I said, '' I don't know if Jordan is in that shower or if he's in a different one.''

''Well, we can just wait until he passes though.'' Matti said.

''Yeah, that's a good idea.'' I said when my foot started itching. I had forgot about my boot. I guess I had slept in too which probably wasn't good.

''Girls!'' I heard Jordan yell.

''What!'' I yelled back as he stepped in the room throwing a shirt on.

''Get into the bathroom in the bedroom and lock the doors both of them. Don't come out unless I tell you too understand!'' he said.

''Why what's going on?'' I asked.

''Sammie, I don't have time to explain. Go.'' he said picking me up off the couch so I was standing.

We started walking to the bedroom.

''Maybe a little faster than that.'' he said.

''I can't go much faster with this stinkin boot on.'' I said back while Matti and Faith picked up there pace I couldn't keep up so they stopped to wait. Jordan picked me up.

''Go, go, go.'' he said to Faith and Matti. He set me down at the bedroom door. ''Lock this door and the bathroom one. Got it.''

''Yes,'' I said and when he turned I shut the door and locked it. ''Okay in the bathroom.''

We all went into the bathroom. Thank goodness it wasn't small.

''Well then,'' I said sitting on the counter taking off my boot for awhile.

''I wonder what that was about. Did he do it to the boys to?'' Faith asked.

''I don't know,'' I said, ''I hope so. Then it will mean they are safe too.''

''Yeah.'' Faith said.

All of a sudden we heard a shot ring out followed by someone yelling.

I shoved my foot back into the boot. ''I got to go see if Jordans hurt.'' I said.

''No!'' Faith said and Matti blocked the door.

''Listen, Jordan told us to stay so we are staying. If he's not hurt it will make things harder for him. So just sit back down and chill. He' ll come soon and we all will be able to leave. Until then we have to stay here where its safe.'' Matti said.

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