Chapter 2 Part 1

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      Walking out of the bathroom guess who I run into. Yeah that's right, Jordan. And now there was food everywhere.

''What are you doing? Your suppose to be in bed.'' he said looking at me with anger in his eyes.

''Well excuse me for having to use the bathroom!'' I half yelled.

He close his eyes and signed ''Look I'm sorry its just that I don't like seeing you hurt.'' he opened his eyes.

''I know. And I don't like it cuz you get cranky and bossy.'' I smiled testing him to argue.

''No I don't,'' he said.

I turn to Faith and Matti, ''Does he not guys?''

''Yeah you kinda do,'' Faith said and Matti nodded I turned to him and smiled.

''Whatever,'' he said.

''Whatever what?'' Hunter (Faith's boyfriend) asked appearing from behind us.

''Hunter! What are you doing here?'' Faith half yelled in excitement.

''Weather or not Jordan gets cranky and bossy when I get hurt.'' I said.

''Yeah you kinda do,'' he said looking at Jordan.

''That's what Faith said see I told you it was meant to be,'' Matti said.

''I second that one,'' I said all of sudden feeling weird.

Faith rolled her eyes, ''What are you doing here?''she asked Hunter again.

''Well you told me you were at Saint Billy's Hospital and I asked why and if you were okay but you never answered me so I came to see.'' Hunter said.

Everyone went blurry and so I shook my head and rubbed my eyes.

''Sorry I don't have service in here. I'm fine but Sammie--,'' before Faith could finish I fell to floor.

''Sammie!'' I heard Jordan say with worry.

I couldn't move, I couldn't talk and I couldn't open my eyes. What is happening to me?

''Sammie come on that floor is all dirty.''Faith said.

I still couldn't move or open my eyes and I couldn't talk to tell her I wasn't playing with them.

''Can we get a doctor over here!'' Jordan yelled.

That's when it hit Faith I wasn't faking it. ''No. Sammie!'' she yelled. 

''Hunter! Matti! Please get Faith away from Sammie so I can pick her up cuz the doctor is taking way to long.'' Jordan said.

''Don't touch me!'' Faith yelled.

''Faith, Sammie is going to be fine. Look at me. She'll be fine.'' Matti said trying to help.

''What are you doing!? Where are you taking her!?'' Faith said although I couldn't feel anything I think Jordan picked me up and what he said confirmed it.

''The doctor is taking to long.'' He said.

''There he is,'' Faith said.

''What's going on? Can you set her down really quick so I take a look?'' A man said with a deep voice it kind of scared me a little bit because it was very identical to the man that was in my house.

''She just fell to the ground.'' Matti said.

''Is she going to be okay?'' Jordan asked.

''I don't know.'' the voice said.

''No! Tell me she is!!'' Faith yelled.

''Faith, look she's our friend too okay but yelling and going crazy isn't going to help her.'' Hunter said.

''Okay do you want to bring her back into the exam room? I'm going to take some test.''the man said.

No please don't take me back question him what kind of test. I don't think this was the doctor but I couldn' t see.

''Wait you want me to bring her back? What kind of test are you going to do?'' Jordan asked.

''Jordan what are you doing just take her where he wants you to so she can get help.'' Faith said.

No, no, no, no don't listen to Faith! Ask again. Please lord don't let him take me where that guy wants him to.

''Just please answer the question,'' Jordan said.

''Uh,'' the man said.

''I understand that this is Sammie Smith right I'm her doctor now what's going on?'' another man said that sounded much more like a doctor. ''Can you put her on this bed here so I can take her back? She probably needs more blood and she's dehydrated.''

''Okay I've seen you before so I'm gunna trust your the real doctor.'' Jordan said.

And now I could only hear the doctor and some others. I tried to move but I couldn't so I tried to open my eyes and with success I see the doctor and two others shuffling around.

''Hi Sammie. Do you know where you are?'' the doctor asked.

''Yes I'm at Saint Billy's Hospital. And yes I-- everything went blurry and I fell to the floor and no I don't know why.'' my voice cracked here and there but I was able to get it out.

''Okay,'' the doctor said, ''You are very dehydrated and you need more blood. Although it changed from last time you only need a bag and not two which I don't know why. We are going to take you back to your room which we will have water there and we will station to give you a bag of blood. If you are feeling up to it your friends can go back as soon as we get your IV in for blood.''

'' Okay, I want Jordan first,'' I said.

''Okay lets go and I'll go get him while the nurse gets started on the iv.'' he said. ''Do you think you can walk?''

''Uh,'' I tried moving my legs I got one of them to move but the other one when I moved it pain shot up my ankle. I moaned and I looked down to see it swollen.

''Oh wow,'' he said looking at my ankle. ''That really swelled up,''

''Ugh great another thing to get my fiance worked up about.'' I said.

''I took some x-rays cuz it was swollen a little bit but I think you might have a break in there somewhere.''

''Okay I can't walk so whatever you want to do to get me into the room.''

''Wheelchair will work.'' he looked to the nurse, ''You want to wheel her to room 8 get an ice pack on the ankle and a bag a blood going please I'll go get her fiance and look at the x-rays.''

''Yeah no problem.'' she said and he left. ''Okay I'm Kaylee I'll be your nurse for part of today. So let's get you in the wheelchair.''

She helped into the wheelchair and wheeled me to ''my'' room. She got the IV done and went to get an ice pack. And I laid my head back and closed my eyes.

* If there is any spelling errors in there sorry I did proof read it but I might of missed a couple. Hope you guys will like it. Oh and its a little bit shorter then the first Chapter*

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