day one

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Quietly, Sae-Ha yawns as she walks alongside her twin brother into the school ground, it's normal to see the twins walk together toward the direction of their building as people stealing glances adoring their visuals until her brother catches sight of the three biggest bullies in their school.

"You coming?" Su-Hyeok asked his twin sister, Sae-Ha let out a loud yawn before nodding her head as her brother dragged her into the bushes and towards the construction area.

The twins arrived to see a girl on the ground with her arms covering her naked body while the boys recorded her. They laughed and talked shit about the two students until the Lee twins arrived.

"I think that is enough." Su-Hyeok spoke up, startling them as they quickly turned their gaze at the twins.

The leaders quickly got up from the spot he was sitting and went towards the bullies with while t-shirts, "yah, stop. that's enough." He says but they know they won't stop even if they threaten them.

The leader slowly approached them before stopping right in front of Su-Hyeok, "what happened to you both?" He asked them, "you both used to party with me, used to hang with us.." the leader started smirking as he looked between Su-Hyeok and Sae-Ha.

"Grow up." Su-Hyeok says before bumped into the leader's shoulder and approached the victims, Sae-Ha followed behind as she took off her blazer and put it around the female, "get up, you're safe now." She says, standing up as she leads the female away while her brother leads the other guy.

"Should I post it on Facebook?" Gwi-Nam suddenly spoke up, "You know I am friends with your mom on facebook and I bet, it would be a shame when she saw the video." Gwi-Nam threatened to make the girl beside Sae-Ha stop on her track while tears dripped.

"You can do it, you don't have to listen to him.." Sae-Ha encourages her but she shakes her head, "It will not.." She says before stepping away from Sae-ha alongside the guy her brother led, the twins watch as the bullies laugh and guilt in their eyes.

"Let's go.." She says to her brother, Su-Hyeok wanted to punch the bullies but they have already made their choice and nothing could change their mind before joining his sister out of the area.

The both of them walked side by side towards their class, "Good morning, Su-Hyeok, Sae-Ha." On-Jo greets them, "morning," they replied but kept walking ahead.

They reached the staircase when On-Jo stopped in front of them, startling the twins which almost caused Sae-Ha to fall backwards, "Come to the roof after lunch, Sae-Ha." On-Jo told the female as she stayed in her brother's arms.

"I don't fight anymore." She said while staying in her brother's arms, "Do I look like I wanna fight?" She questioned her, "just come meet me at the roof.." On-Jo says before turning around begin stepping on the stairs which she trips and falls in front of the twins.

Sae-Ha and Su-Hyeok looked at each other after she disappeared, "weird.." they say together before he helps her stand on her feet and slowly make their way up to their classroom.

"What do you think, On-Jo wanna tell me?" She asked her twin confused, Su-Hyeok shrugged his shoulders as they made their way towards the classroom.

The sound of the door slide opens causes On-Jo to straighten her back as she stares at the twins, her eyes following Sae-Ha as she takes her seat beside Nam-ra.

She watches as Sae-Ha disturb Nam-ra but is ignored, the feelings of jealousy arise until I-Sak shakes her out of her daydream.


"Yah, Nam-ra.." I tapped her shoulder, "do you wanna go out shopping later? I talk to my mom and she allows me to go out after school." I told her, smiling but she didn't budge and focus on her notes.

Letting out a sigh, I leaned back into my chair and looked out of the window until an argument snapped me out of my little peaceful times, "eh? what happened?" I whisper watching the scene unfold until Ms Park, our English teacher, comes in and soon everyone hurries to their seat.

Everyone gives their phone to Ms Park but I didn't after turning my phone off, Ms Park wouldn't know that I didn't give mine until she warned us again yet nobody talks until Dae-Su and I-Sak phone rings.

"Has anyone contacted Hyeong-Ju?" Ms Park asked us, noticing that she was nowhere to be seen. I turned around to meet with Hee-su but I noticed that she was sweating a lot, "are you alright?" I ask her but all she does is nod her head before focusing on the board.

Ms Park wrote down something on the board before excusing herself from the class, "what did I miss?" I ask Nam-ra since I didn't listen to half of the class before Ms Park left.

"Ms Park is going to the science lab since Jong-Yoon says it was the last place he saw Hyeong-Ju." Nam-ra told me while writing down the answers of the questions that are given for us to do before Ms Park returns.

I shrugged it off and began doing the exercises that Ms Park has directed us to work on while she is away. I am almost done when Ms Park returns and begins teaching us. As usual, I pay attention to the class before Ms Park randomly chooses someone to answer her questions.


"Can someone tell me the difference?" Ms Park says after explaining the meaning and concept of their topic, she is about to choose when Hee-su raises her hand making Ms Park happy that she wants to answer.

"Ms Park, may I go to the toilet?" She says, Ms Park sighs and nodded her head before Hee-su ran out of the class and chose Nam-ra to answer her questions before her eyes landed on Su-Hyeok.

"Bare-su." Ms Park called him while he quickly stood up straight and looked at Ms Park, "Can you explain what Nam-ra just said?" She questioned him, making him nervous before he let out a chuckle.

"Whatever she's saying, it's all correct." He answered, making everyone laugh.

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