run, don't hide

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The whole incident in their classroom was chaotic, and now Sae-Ha is separated from her twin brother and friends as she hides behind a table with the zombie crawling and walking in the art room.

"Damn it, I shouldn't run when I have the chance." The female grunt while peeking at the walking dead corpse in the art room.

A few rooms ahead from the art room, Su-Hyeok paced back and forth worrying for his sister's life. He should've been the one on the very back but instantly she was there.

"Aish, where is she!" Exclaimed Su-Hyeok in frustration, he failed to protect his sister on times like this. Cheong-san saw his friend all panicking and worrying for his twin while slowly approaching him, "hey, I am sure she is safe, you know.." He tries to calm the taller male, "she smart, I know she is safe." He said.

Su-Hyeok looks down at his best friend while nodding his head, he needs to think positive. His sister won't just let herself get eaten by zombies, she has the brain and the strength to fight them.

Sae-Ha looks left and right for a way out, the doors are wide open but she can't run towards the door when the zombies crowns the room, she can't last longer hiding behind the table; she needs to get back with her brother. Peeking from the tiny spaces when her arm accidentally hit a vase as it was about to crash onto the floor but her reflection was quicker which earned all the zombies attention towards her.

The zombies growl at her and run towards her, she pushes one of the zombies off her as she tries to look for another way out; the doors are now blocked by the zombies that are trying to get inside when her eyes see the windows, "should I or not?" She ask herself while fighting the zombies off her, "ah fuck it!" she groaned and kicked the zombie away before reaching for the window and opened it, she quickly climbed out of the room towards the edges of the building. She looked down at the dangerous height as she sank back into the sides of the building, her head turned towards the windows to see the zombie try to reach her yet she stepped away from the window while the zombies grunt trying to reach her.

Breathing shakingly, she slowly tip-toed by the edges of the wall because she didn't want to fall down. Sighing loudly, she slowly and carefully makes her way towards the science lab when a loud crash of windows earns her attention.

Her eyes quickly gaze toward the male hanging by the rope while a zombie grunting and growling by Cheong-san leg, "yah! down there! down there! a zombie is there!" She warned him, gesturing with her eyes which caught his attention.

"I know! I can see that!" He replied, trying to kick the zombie down from his leg, "yah! What are you doing?! Kick it!" she told him.

"Can't you see I am trying?!" Cheong-san replied while struggling kicking the zombie, Sae-Ha shook her head and sighs, "aish, i'm going there." She said while slowly approaching the struggling male, Cheong-san told her to not come but when a zombie tried to reach for her from upwards without thinking she jumped towards her friend with her feet on his face; thankfully she wore pants under her skirt.

"Yah! Careful with my face!" Cheong-san warned her yet she didn't care, she ignored his whining while slowly crawling down before hugging his waist and kicking the zombie down off his leg.

Once the zombie had fallen down, Sae-Ha wrapped her arms around his waist tightly, "stop hugging me.." he told her off with his cheek reddened. She chuckles, "bet you like it. . ." she tease him, "oh fuck off" He told her.

In the broadcast room, all their friends are watching the two by the rope, "yah! they are coming down!" Dae-su stated when they saw the girl and Cheong-san by the window, On-Jo quickly went toward Sae-Ha and pulled her arm into the room.

"Thanks." She thanked her with a smile, Nam-ra watched from afar, feeling slightly uncomfortable and hurt when she saw someone else cared for her.

As soon as On-Jo turned to her male best friend, Su-Hyeok rush towards his twin sister and embrace her into a tight hug, Sae-Ha is not one of the most skin contact person but knowing her brother is the only one hugging her out of nowhere she quickly wrapped her arms around his waist, "don't do that." He whispered.

All their friends watch silently at the twins, they know that they can't live without each other and if one of them dies, the other twin will feel incomplete.

"Come on, I am not dumb. I survived." She replies with a smile.

After the short moment of reunion between the twins, Na-Yeon and Gyeong-su once again arguing before Miss Park stopped them, "they zombies right?" Su-Hyeok asked Miss Park after she broke off the fight, "I. . ." Miss Park began, "I don't know.." She responded, for once not knowing what to do for her students' safety.

"I don't know what's going on and now we only hope that help is coming." Miss Park told them, "I don't think so, Miss Park.." Sae-Ha declares, "I think nobody will come and save us." She told her friends and teacher, she never trusts the adults because despite her hatred for her father, she never trusted anyone anymore other than her mother, brother and teacher.

Miss Park stood unable to speak any word when Joon-Yong spotted the computer, "the internet." He said out loud, "It's working right?" He asked Miss Park while approaching the computer, and as soon as he sat down in front of the computer everyone rushed towards the male.

"Try Instagram.." Dae-su earned Joon-Yong attention, "you have followers there?" He asks him, Dae-su blinks and ignores the spectacle male, "facebook then." By now Sae-Ha has turned towards the windows since the rope they used to get to the broadcast room was swinging harshly, "Gyeong-su, stand back." She told the male, after separating from her friends, I-Sak had died turning into one of the zombies after asking where she was.

Nam-ra, Gyeong-su and Sae-Ha face the window when the rope harshly swing towards the window causing it to shattered which startled everyone, Sae-Ha pushes Gyeong-su behind while Cheong-san approached the rope to check if they missed anyone, "we didn't missed anyone right?" Wu-Jin asked.

"There is nothing.." Cheong-san announced, standing back when a zombie appears out of nowhere causing him to fall down onto his butt, "yah! get back here!" Su-Hyeok calls for his friend.

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