my brother is not an idiot for sure!

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For all I know, Cheong-San cherishes his mother a lot; On-jo pulls Cheong-San back when he tries to climb onto the truck, which makes him fall to the ground, still looking lost. I looked at him and kneeled to his level, "Cheong-San, she is no longer your mother..." I tried to distract him while Dae-Su fought against Cheong-San's mother.

He ignored me as he slowly got on his feet; the sound of metal hitting on someone made his gaze turn toward them, "Mom..." He mumbled before shouting, "Stop it!" He cries and climbs up the truck to stop both Dae-Su and Woo-Jin.

He first pushed Woo-Jin while Dae-Su continued hitting the zombie before being made back by Cheong-San, "What are you doing!" Dae-Su shouted in curiosity before Cheong-San punched him.

I stood back, frozen on my feet, watching Cheong-San punch Dae-Su. I didn't realize that his voice was attracting the zombies' attention, "The zombies.." I whisper shout at Su-Hyeok.

My twin brother rushed to Cheong-San, holding him back from attacking Woo-Jin and Joon-Yong. I watch as Cheong-San cries before yelling out for his mother; his cries for his mother make the two stop hitting the zombies.

I didn't know how to feel when many feet tapping on the wet ground caught my attention, "They are coming.." I mumbled.

Nam-Ra saw the distress on Sae-Ha's face when she heard footsteps approaching them, "Hurry!" She mumbled as she grabbed Ji-Min's arms to let her go first.

Su-Hyeok saw shadows approaching them, "Yah! let's go." He said and looked around them, "Run!" He screams.

Soon, they begin to run from their standing area; Nam-ra and Sae-Ha watch as the rest rush away before turning to the three others, "Cheong-San, let it go." On-Jo says to the sad guy in between her and Su-Hyeok.

"Pull yourself together, asshole!" Su-Hyeok scream.

Sae-Ha started to get dizzy, and Nam-Ra wrapped her arms around the other female, "Are you okay?" She questioned Sae-Ha.

"I am." Sae-Ha lie.

Soon, the three others begin moving from their spot while Nam-Ra helps Sae-Ha get away from the scene when a thunder strikes, causing Nam-Ra to let Sae-Ha go as she holds onto her head, "Nam-Ra." Sae-Ha ignored the pain in her head and began helping Nam-Ra walk with her brother's help.

The scream of Cheong-San calling out for his mother saddens Sae-Ha, but they know nothing can be done. The sound of thunder, thundering district the zombies as they make their way up to the basketball court; a weird feeling hits Sae-Ha as they reach the court.

"I don't think we are safe here..." Sae-Ha whispered as she stared at the dark side of the court.

"Nam-Ra, what's wrong?" Joon-Yong ask Nam-Ra.

Nam-Ra looked scared, "Damn it." She cursed, "Run Away." She mumble.

"Run away." She repeated when thunder struck as lightning lit half of the court.

All of them were shocked to see zombies on the basketball court, "What the fuck!" cursed Mi-Jin.

"Run!" One of the archery club members screamed.

Panic, Mi-Jin tries to push her injured friend, "just go!" her friend screams.

The more she tries to pull her friend, the more comes their way before he decides to let himself down the stroller, "Just go!" He cries the senior guy when a zombie bites his leg.

Mi-Jin was about to help her friend, but another senior student came and pulled her back. Sae-Ha watched from behind as she listened to their senior cry, "I can't do this." She let herself fall to the ground as the door closed, and the only sound they could hear was the sound of rain and Mi-Jin sobbing.

Everyone was shocked, and Nam-Ra felt guilty because she might have trapped them in the storage room. Su-Hyeok looked down at his twin sister; the expression on her face seemed so exhausted.

"Cheong-San..." Dae-Su started. I turn my head to see him standing before Cheong-San, "I'm so sorry..." He apologized with guilt in his eyes, lowering his head, "I didn't know it was your mother." He says Cheong-San didn't say anything, just focused in front, "I'm sorry." Dae-Su apologizes again.

I watched as Cheong-San slipped slowly before he cried in On-Jo's arms; standing up, I went to him slowly and wrapped my arms around him and On-Jo, "It's okay, let it out." I whisper, comforting him.

Sa-Rang lay on a bed with Se-Ri beside the older female; her face showed concern. Unawares, the older woman started to wake up, "Su-Hyeok, Sae-Ha.." the elder mumbled while slowly sitting up.

"Mrs Lee, thank god you're awake." Se-Ri sighs in relief.

"Se-Ri? Where are we?" asks the older woman as she looks around the big, empty room, "Why are we here?" She questions.

Se-Ri looked slightly stressed," They are making a new martial law, Mrs Lee." She told the older woman, "I heard that they are going to abandon Hyosan now since the infected are slowly going into the big city." She says.

Sa-Rang eyes widen, "They can't do that! My children are still in there! They are not just abandoning the town, but they will end the city and Hyosan; they are going to bomb it!"

Sae-Ha lay awake as she listened to Cheong-San and On-Jo talking; the only thing that kept playing in her head was, is her mother alive? Is her friend alive and caring for her mother like she always does when she and her brother are not with her, "I'm just glad you didn't come to school today, Se-Ri." Whisper Sae-Ha with a hopeful expression that her friend is now with her mother, taking care of her to not worry much about her twin children.

The sunlight woke everyone up. Nam-Ra stood by the window as she looked up at it while everyone sat down, feeling hopeless, "What is it?" Sae-Ha question Nam-Ra.

"The smell got stronger." She replied.

Dae-Su, worried, began to take a deep breath and sniffed himself, "I didn't smell anything." He responds.

The twins flash him an annoying expression, "she meant the zombies." Su-Hyeok replies.

"The smell is getting stronger, and I think they are moving this way," Nam-Ra stated before she sat by Sae-Ha.

"And I am hungry, but now is not the time to think." Sae-Ha sighed; not just her was starving; the entire group was starving, and they should be glad that they were not some flash-eating monster, or else everyone would be at the dinner.

The silences were cut short when Dae-Su confessed his feelings for Ha-Ri; everyone watched the scene unfold in front of their face, Mi-Jin laughing. Until a fight between them broke with Dae-Su trying to protect himself from the wrath of Ha-Ri, all the throwing snapped her out of her little hungry self when her eyes and her brother locked, "You're thinking what I am thinking right?" She says out loud, earning everyone's attention.

"Their twin telepathy is scarier than the zombies now..." Joon-Yong whispers to Hyo-Ryung.

"You tell me." She whispered back.

( HELLO HELLO! I'm gonna finish this book now since it will be a few chapters to go! Please ignore my laziness to write the full details since i know you all watched the show! so don't forget to vote and idk leave a comment, a positive comment will be since i need people to be drawn to this book more so that i have energy to write it! )

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