confession - on-jo

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I laughed as I watched my twin brother answering Ms Park questions when I saw a glimpse of Hyeong-Ju as the door opened and she fell to the floor, shocking everyone.

Hurried I ran over alongside my twin brother whilst Ms Park knelt down and pulled Hyeong-Ju closer, "Ms Park.. he pulled me.." I heard her tell Ms Park, "who?" Ms Park asked her.

"The science teacher.." Hyeong-Ju gasped, "He pulled me and locked me up.." She says before coughing aggressively, "Let's take you to the infirmary, first Hyeong-Ju.." Ms Park says, trying to carry her.

"Let me help you, Ms Park." I step forward, bending down as Su-Hyeok put her on my back before Ms Park ask someone to help us, I realize that the whole way towards the infirmary, Hyeong-Ju tries to bite me but she couldn't because Su-Hyeok pull her head away from the crock of my neck.

As soon as we reached the infirmary, I caught the sight of Hee-su but I ignored her and led Hyeong-Ju to the bed as she struggled and thrashing around, "What happened?" The infirmary teacher asked, "We don't know, she showed up all bloody.." Ms Park replied before we were instructed to pinned Hyeong-Ju down before the teacher injected something causing her to calm down.

When Ms Park ask us to pinned her down, Ms Park told Su-Hyeok to called the ambulance, in between the struggle; On-Jo hurt herself by getting scratched by Hyeong-Ju before I-Sak were sent away leaving me, Su-Hyeok and On-Jo with Ms Park as we waited for help to arrived.

Once the car arrives, Su-Hyeok and Sae-Ha move Hyeong-Ju into the vans while On-Jo gets her scratched and treated by her father.

They watch as the car drives away before Ms Park faces the three, "Thank you guys for the help but perhaps don't spread some rumors first? Yeah, okay if you guys understand, please get into class." Ms Park told them before rushing towards the science lab.

They nodded their head before slowly making their way towards their class, once they reached the staircase Su-Hyeok nudged his sister's shoulder which only made her hissed at him while glaring but he ignored her and gestured to On-Jo that were walking in front of them.

"Ah, On-Jo ah, why do you want to meet me up on the roof? Can't you just tell me what it is here? I have practice after recess." Sae-Ha told On-Jo as the three of them stopped midway on the staircase, On-Jo turned around but looked nervous before her eyes met Su-Hyeok.

She realized that her brothers were in their presence, she nudged him, "He wants to know and plus we can't be separated since he will beg once you're away.." She told On-Jo, sighing.

On-Jo hesitated before handing Sae-Ha something in her palm, ignoring what it was she took the stuff from On-Jo's hand to see her name tag, "e-eh.. are you saying that... you wanna go out with me?" She nodded her head towards Sae-Ha.

Su-Hyeok, who stood beside Sae-Ha, looked at On-Jo, "but aren't you going out with Cheong-san?" He asks her, almost everyone in the school thought the two were dating but here they are in front of On-Jo as she confessed her feelings for Sae-Ha.

Sae-Ha was about to tell her her real feelings until she caught sight of Cheong-san, "On-Jo!" He called for her best friend as he approached her, "are you alright?" He asks checking if she is alright but On-Jo only stares at him and pushes his hand away before walking away leaving the three behind.

"She's so clumsy, isn't she?" Cheong-san asks his two best friends while Sae-Ha hides the name tag in her blazer pocket, "She got hurt while trying to get away from Hyeong-Ju," Su-Hyeok told him.

"She's a crazy man, she tries to bite my ear off when we run off towards the infirmary.." Sae-Ha stated, chills go through her body thinking back when Hyeong-Ju suddenly goes crazy.

"Anyway.. I have questions Cheong-san ah.." Sae-Ha questions him, he turns his head and looks at her, "what is it?" He asked her.

The twins face each other before Su-Hyeok turns to face him, "are you and On-Joo dating?" He ask catching him off guard as he stood tall getting serious, "Yes, we are." He saw Sae-Ha let out a breath until he hit Su-Hyeok's arms.

"Are you seriously asking me that?" He started, "even if the world only left me, her and a zombie, I would rather date the zombie." He told them before guiding them back towards their class.

As soon as Sae-Ha reached their class, she went straight to her seat which is beside Nam-ra. It doesn't shock her anymore to see the class president reading her notes as the class were busy gossiping over the event that just happened while Ms Park was teaching.

The moment she sat down, she pushes Nam-ra hair to the back of her ear before taking one of her airpod and plug it in her ear, Nam-ra didn't budge as she continues reading her notes but someone are watching her with jealousy, she can't help but feel threatened as she watch Sae-Ha being too close to the class president.

I walk with my brother towards the table where we usually sit with the others, shockingly everyone that I seat with the boys rather than the girls, well I did invite Nam-ra but she declined as soon as the melodies cue for recess hour were played leaving me behind.

Sitting in between Cheong-san and Su-Hyeok, I laugh alongside them as they joke around, "What about you Sae-Ha? Anything funny happened to your brother yesterday?" Dae-su asked me, I blinked and made a thinking face when I was about to open my mouth but Su-Hyeok covered her mouth before I could even tell them about his embarrassing moment alone with me.

They looked at my brother curious as he let out a chuckle, "let not ask her, she'll definitely embarrass me and I won't be living peacefully if you all know, I rather have her tease me.." He told them, chuckling nervously when I-Sak's voice interrupted the whole cafeteria.

I turn my gaze at their table to see On-Jo with her cheek reddened before she looks away and pulls her friend down as the cafeteria goes back to its normal noisy state, "Weird.." I told my brother as we continued laughing and joking.

Looking down at my watch, I hurriedly finished my food and faced the rest, "I'm done, I'll see you guys later, Su-Hyeok please put away my tray, thankies!" I thanked him before he could even respond as I ran out of the cafeteria to look for Nam-ra.

After Sae-Ha leaves, I face Su-Hyeok, "what's wrong with her?" I ask him.

"Love life." He replied as he continued eating his food before it was empty, "I am also done, put it away please guys. I gotta follow her before she causes any trouble, mom told me to watch out for her since her anger issues are kind of out of control these days." He told us before getting up from my seat and following the directions his sister went.

Thinking of Sae-Ha and her anger issues really scares me and perhaps everyone else feels the same, "She is so peaceful today that I forgot she has anger issues.." Gyeong-su pointed out that they nodded their heads agreeing with his words.

"Well, thank god we have Su-Hyeok or we'll be dead by now." I told them and continued eating my food.

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