new plan

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Back to the students in the broadcast room, "I heard that in another country, they mourn adults more than they do with children." Nam-Ra says as everyone stares at her, "and in others, children more than adults." She continued, "Which do you think our country is?" She asks the rest with a blank expression.

Dae-Su looked around in confusion before back at the class president, "what do you mean?" He asks her, "when kids die, you lose hope but..." Joon-Yong paused for a while, "when adults die, you lose their wisdom." he added.

"Hope and wisdom." He started, "which do we value more?" He asks everyone in the room, as they listen quietly, "Hmm?" Dae-Su hummed when the sound of a helicopter whirring in the distance caught Nam-Ra's attention.

Nam-ra turned toward the window, "they've been flying all over the place since yesterday." She spoke while eyeing the helicopter, "they would have already saved us if they really wanted to..." she added.

Everyone in the room stays quiet as they listen to the class president, "but even if they do come to save us, we won't get out first." she paused for a second, "we're just not important enough for that...'' she said while turning back to face everyone, "we're students. That's all." she stated.

Everyone knew what she was saying was true but they were trying not to lose hope. They did survive for a day so there might still hope for them to get rescued.

SOMEWHERE in a bus, a girl with long black hair sat uncomfortably. She was surrounded by people from all ages, from a child to the elder. Her mind rushed to her best friend and the brother of her friend, she worried which caused her to bite her lower lips. Suddenly, the bus that she was riding stopped interrupting her mind. She was seated at the very back when she realised almost everyone in the bus had stepped down, being curious; she followed everyone out the bus to see people blocking the road with a sign of warning to ask them to go back into the city.

"What's going on?" She asks one of the guards.

"It looks like people are blocking the road, we can't drive over them." The guard stated.

She nodded her head but stopped when she saw that one of the people began throwing stuff at them, her eyes widened when one of the elders were getting eggs thrown at him; hurriedly she ran toward the old man and began shielding him and a child from getting eggs all over them.

BACK TO THE STUDENT in Hyosan High, Sae-Ha stepped into the classroom as she quickly closed the door before any of the zombies noticed her presence; not that she scared but what if, her confusion is just false and reason for the zombies to not chase after her was because of Cheong-San and Gwi-Nam's being too loud.

As soon as the doors are secure, she drops down to the floor while panting heavily. She might be an athlete in school but running around with an empty stomach is not healthy for her especially when things are about to change.

"My lord, now I know why Cheong-San and Su-Hyeok always told me to eat more..." She groaned and lay down on the floor, it's a miracle that there were no zombies or any blood on the floor. She wouldn't want to lay on such a dirty and infected floor with a hungry stomach, she can't think of any plan on how to get to Cheong-San or back to her brother and friends.

"Aish.." She whines.

Her eyes were about to close and breathe was about to calm down until the sound of footsteps caught her attention. She turned to look at the corridors as zombies ran past the classroom and soon heard the sound of door slamming from a few metres away. Sae-Ha sat on the floor for a few minutes, trying to think if she ran past any survivor yet she can't remember until it hit her; Cheong-San might have escaped from Gwi-Nam.

"Maybe, I should go to him!" She exclaimed until her stomach growled, "but not in this state..." She sighs. The female looked around the room, it looked clean until her eyes stopped on the storage room.

"Wait... what room is this?" She asks herself while slowly getting up on her feet, scanning the room; she realised that she is in the meeting room where she always held her swordsman club.

"Wow, I ran until I didn't realise I'm in the right room.." She chuckled and went toward the storage room, opening the door; she turned on the light and was soon faced with a lot of food supplies that her mother had donated before her club tournament, "Gonna love mom." She whispered.

IN THE HYOSAN ABANDONED BASE, the people that was stopped by the blocking crowd were sent to the place; the female that was protecting the elder and his grandchild was getting herself cleaned in the restroom, she past every person while looking for her friends yet she didn't see any of them until someone called her name.

"Seri!" The voice belonging to the twin mother called for her daughter's friend 's name as she quickly turned her head to spot the older woman rushing to her side while wearing a protection suit.

"Oh! Mrs Lee! Thank god, you're safe! Where are Sae-Ha and Su-Hyeok? Are they safe?" Seri asked for her friend's well-being but Mrs Lee just shook her head, "They didn't make it here.. I think they are still in school..." Mrs Lee said with her voice that sounded dreadful after knowing that her children were not with Seri.

Seeing the troubled expression, Seri stood by the woman's side while holding onto the mother's hand, "Don't worry about them, Mrs Lee." Seri says, "You know they can survive this, they are clever after all." She adds. Mrs Lee looked at the younger and nodded her head, her children might be misbehaving sometimes but they will protect each other no matter what.

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