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Suddenly, a feeling of anxiety slowly builds up into my chest as I wait for them to arrive in this classroom. I keep on glancing back to the door while tapping on my thighs nervously, "Is it just me or do I feel like they are coming here so slow?" I ask Cheong-San.

My head rapidly turned to the door and my body automatically stood on my feet, "Su-Hyeok.." My twin instinct suddenly shocked my body and soon I sprinted out of the class, passing everyone that was coming to the class.

"SAE-HA! COME BACK!" On-Jo called my name yet I ignored her. I rushed down the stairs to see Nam-Ra by the end of the stairs with concern in her eyes; debating if she should step in. Looking down the stairs, my eyes widened when I saw Gwi-Nam choking my brother. Running past Nam-Ra, I kicked Gwi-Nam back as he released my brother's neck. He stumbled to the front as I knelt down to help Su-Hyeok, I was so focused on my brother that I didn't realise that Gwi-Nam was back on his feet and kicked me away causing my back to hit the wall.

I groan in pain, as soft cries escape from my lips, "how lovely, two strong siblings, getting destroyed by me..." Gwi-Nam mocked as he kneel in front of me, "You should be my lover but sadly, you're too weak now." He hissed when suddenly a hand went around his neck, pulling him away from me.

The sound of Nam-Ra whimpering as she pulled Gwi-Nam away from me catches my attention. I wince in pain when suddenly Gwi-Nam bite onto her hand; surprising me as she screams. I was trying to catch my breath when he pushed her away, throwing her a few metres away as she laid on the floor with a loud thump. Nam-Ra whimpered in pain as Gwi-Nam stood and glared at her, "You piece of shit!" He cursed, approaching her as he grabbed a handful of her hair.

My eyes widened as I regained my energy, "leave her alone!" Su-Hyeok and I snapped and run together at Gwi-Nam, with our energy and strength together; we pushes Gwi-Nam out of the window.

Once, I think we're safe. I crouch down and put my hand on Nam-Ra's shoulder, "You okay?" I ask her and take a look at the bite mark from Gwi-Nam. I didn't know if she was infected, I didn't know how Gwi-Nam was still surviving but for sure; Nam-Ra is not infected. I looked at my older brother as we looked at each other before he turned to the stairs, "let's go." he told us while helping Nam-Ra stand up. We rushed up the stairs and ran toward the music room when a group of undead came from behind the other side of the building.

I was holding onto Nam-Ra while Su-Hyeok led us, "Go in! Go Inside!" He shouted, "They're coming!" He continued making everyone face the other side, "Hurry!" He yelled as we all rushed back into the music room. Su-Hyeok let Nam-Ra and I get in first before he stepped in and closed the door behind.

Once the door closed, I pulled Nam-Ra away from everyone and to the other side of the room while they all closed the curtains. Nam-Ra closed the other side of the curtains while I sat down; panting heavily. She was about to go to the other side of the curtains but Cheong-San stopped her, "there is a zombie there." He stated. "It was caught under the piano so it can't go anywhere." He say, Nam-Ra turned to me while I nodded my head.

They all finally sat down as they caught their breath while Nam-Ra stood beside me, "We can't..." Hyo-Ryeong started as she breathed heavily, "go to the roof?" She ask us while I raise my brows in confusion.

Everyone faces her, "we're trapped again, aren't we?" She asked us.

"There are zombies out there, so..." He trailed, panting.

"Let's just think a little." He encouraged us. I turned to Nam-Ra as she sat beside me.

"This is so annoying." Someone said.

Everyone was panting heavily when Hyo-Ryeong stood up suddenly, I looked up at her as she was staring at something, "Hey..." She started, "Hey, class president..." She began. I raised my brows as we all faced her.

IMMUNE | ALL OF US ARE DEAD (DISCONTINUE)Where stories live. Discover now