might be a cure

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The sound of someone or something dropping to the ground awakened Sae-Ha; wide-eyed, she ventured to the door as zombies ran past the classroom. Her breath hitched in a panic since she was alone in the dark and only the shadows of dead people stumbling and groaning outside the classroom.

Being alone scares her, not that she doesn't have any fears, but after what happened when she was a child, being abducted and being experimented on by evil people, she dislikes the dark. It reminds her of when she was punished for not following orders, slowly sitting up while clutching onto her chest; she begins to calm herself. The weird thing is, she could hear munching coming from the music room, nobody was supposed to be in the classroom after her friends, and she left the classroom with the zombies crowded in the room.

Ignoring the darkness, her mind went back to her brother and friends on the rooftop. Did they manage to get on the helicopter, or were they stuck? Groaning lightly, Sae-Ha got on her feet and slowly began making her way into the storage room; her last bag was tossed outside when everyone rushed into the music room.

"I should take more and probably now secure it myself since Cheong-San toss it to the zombies...." She sigh.

When Gwi-Nam made it to the top of the rooftop, the first thing that happened was On-Jo facing Gwi-Nam, causing her to let out loud whining noises (I'm sorry, what?), earning everyone's attention as they turn to face On-Jo, their eyes widened at the sight of Gwi-Nam.

"ON-JO!" Cheong-San screams in panic as he runs toward his crush; gwi-nam now focuses on the guy who causes him to be blind in one eye and pushes the girl to the side as he runs towards Cheong-San. As soon as they reach each other, Cheong-San tries to punch Gwi-Nam, but the other is stronger and tackles him to the floor with his hand on Cheong-San's neck, causing him to struggle against his grip.

Su-Hyeok rushes toward them, and the others follow behind. Cheong-San screams in pain. On-Jo runs toward her best friend; she tries to pull Gwi-Nam off Cheong-San by pulling him by the arms. Gwi-Nam turned to face her and threw her away from him.

Ji-Min and Hyo-Ryeong quickly rush toward On-Jo while Su-Hyeok kicks Gwi-Nam off Cheong-San. Gwi-Nam and Su-Hyeok fight while Dae-Su and Wu-Jin help Cheong-San to get on his feet. Everyone watches Gwi-Nam kick and punches Su-Hyeok while they grunt and groan; they step backwards slowly yet keep their eyes on the bully.

Gwi-Nam had enough of Su-Hyeok as he kicked him over toward the piles of broken chairs; joon-yeong hurried to the older twin's side with a worried expression, "Su-Hyeok!" He screams as he approaches the other male by the chairs on the floor. Su-Hyeok groans while breathing heavily, "Su-Hyeok, are you? Are you okay?" Ask Joon-Yeong as he tries to help him get on his feet.

Joon-Yeong looks at the state Su-Hyeok with wide eyes as he ventures his eyes to Gwi-Nam and back to Su-Hyeok in his arm, "Shit." He curses under his breath.

Gwi-Nam looks at the group of people in front of him while sighing, "Who are you." He asks sending a chill down everyone's spine.

"What the hell are you?" Dae-Su ask, "You come from the One Heart Club?" He adds.

Gwi-Nam looks down at his jacket before putting his hand inside the one heart club jacket, "It's me." He smugly states while standing proudly as he stares at them.

"Yeah." He adds, smirking.

"You don't know?" He asks them once he sees the confusion on their face, "How the fuck do you not know me?" He hisses.

"I know you." Cheong-San declare.

"I've told you multiply time." He adds while staring intentionally at the bully.

IMMUNE | ALL OF US ARE DEAD (DISCONTINUE)Where stories live. Discover now