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I stared at Gyeong-su through the glass from the outside of the broadcast room. He sat alone while doing whatever he thought was entertaining in the room after Na-Yeon assumed him to be infected.

"Is this necessary?" I ask my brother, I did back up Gyeong-su when Na-Yeon assumed that he's infected but I can see from everyone's eyes that they didn't believe him.

Su-Hyeok sighs and pat my shoulder, "don't worry, I think he's not infected as well." He tries to calm me down but I know deep inside he is still debating about believing in Gyeong-su.

"Yeah, but this is over the limits. . . like she hated him so why trying to accuse him of that? she obviously doesn't listen to herself." I snarl, saying out loud earning her attention.

I glanced at her to see her sweating and with a troublesome facial, raising my brows in confusion I gritted my teeth while making my way toward Nam-ra. I stood silently beside her with my arm over my chest when a light nudge earned my attention toward the class president, "yeah?" I greet her.

"How is your wound..." She asks me with her eyes lingering on the wound, I beam her a smile while shrugging my shoulders, "don't worry, i'll be alright." I told her with a soft smile but she didn't believe me, "for real, I am fine."

She looks concerned for my well-being which I assure her with a smile once again, "trust me."

A sigh escapes from her lips before nodding her head, "if you say so." She whispers and leans back into the wall while sitting down on the chair. I smile sadly and face the others since they are watching Gyeong-su through the glass window.

"He won't get out?" Dae-su asked Miss Park since she volunteered to talk to Gyeong-su, Miss Park let out a sigh as she closed the door behind, "he said he's staying the full hour." Miss Park told us which caused some of us to sigh loudly.

"He's pissed." Dae-su commented before going back to staring at Gyeong-su.

Suddenly Cheong-san spoke up, "I'll go in." He volunteered, "me too!" I insisted since I knew he believed me because I protected him from Na-Yeon.

As I was about to make my way into the recording room, Su-hyeok grabbed my wrist and pulled me back while shaking his head, before I could even say anything Ji-Min spoke up, "why should you both go in there?" she questions us, "why not?" I replied slightly confused by her sudden question.

"I mean it is not your fault that he's in there, if anyone it should be Na-Yeon." She stated while staring coldly at the girl in the pink sweater, I gulped knowing this will cause another argument.

Na-Yeon felt threatened, she looked up toward Ji-Min, "why? Why should I?" She interrogated us, especially Ji-Min.

The girl didn't even show any guilt which only made Ji-Min angry, "He is like this because of you." She snarls but Na-Yeon still stood there acting dumb, "What did I do?" She asked her, "Like you don't know. . ." Ji-Min states.

"Was it wrong to suspect him?" She questioned us, "you did too, everyone here did. . . it wasn't just me." she exclaimed, trying to blame everyone here. I found it annoying that she tryna blame us, "well, that you all, not me." I hissed.

Cheong-san and Dae-su begin agreeing with me, "well, I didn;t. She's right." Ji-Min confessed, "but I didn't insult him like you did." She said, glaring at Na-Yeon.

By the expression, I know she is furious, "why are you picking on me!" She hissed, "because you did something wrong, you know Ji-Min was right but you couldn't accept the fact." I acknowledge her which causes the room to grow tense, "why do you even care for him? He's not that good, why are you even befriending him? You are such a wannabe tomboy!" She screamed at me, "so what? I don't brag about expensive things like you did. I make friends with whoever and I never actually bother with their wealth or family status so why should've I befriend him? You're just too annoying now." I hissed.

"That's enough." Miss Park stopped me, I couldn't help but glare at Na-Yeon.

Eventually, Na-Yeon was sent into the room leaving the furious female twin grumpy the whole time she was in the room with Gyeong-su. Sae-ha stood by the windows with her arms over her chest while watching the zombies limping and walking around the school field, Dae-su were too loud as he giggles while staring at both Na-Yeon and Gyeong-su when she heard the door opened and sound of clapping was heard until Gyeong-su came out of the recording room in furious.

Quickly, she turns to watch the scenes as the boys pull Gyeong-su back from attacking Na-Yeon. The younger twin stared at the pink sweater female with anger while everyone was confused at why Gyeong-su was screaming, without anyone concerned Sae-ha approached the annoying classmates of hers and surprised everyone when a loud slap was heard.

Everyone was too shocked and nobody approach the angry teen, Na-Yeon gritted her teeth and face the girl with her eyes glaring back, "you . . . fucker." Na-Yeon says before slapping the female, surprising everyone even more.

"LEE NA-YEON!" Miss Park breaks in, stopping the anger issue student of hers before she ends up beating the crap out of Na-Yeon.

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