ah here we go again. . .

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After escaping death, Sae-Ha stood by the window as she watched her classmates dig through their classmates' school bags. She didn't even bother to help because she knows it's hopeless, if zombies started in their school grounds; who in their right mind would come rescue them?

"Oh! I found one!" The voice belonging to I-Sak caught everyone's attention while they rushed towards her side, "who was it?" Min-Jin asked her.

I-Sak looks at the table where she has found the phone, "It's on Yeong-Ju desk." She told them when the phone lit up, "shit, it's locked." she announced only cause everyone to let out a sigh as they shattered away trying to look for another phone.

"Do something. . ." Na-Yeon insists that when Sae-Ha blocks them out as she continues staring out of the window, in her mind right now— she only wonders if her mother made it out alive.

Somewhere in Hyosan public hospital, a female stood by the information counter with heavy chest, her mind went to her children especially her younger daughter, "aish, Sae-ha, Su-hyeok ah. . . please don't do anything stupid now." The older woman mumbled.

Back to the now chaotic highschool ground, Sae-Ha stood next to her brother while On-Jo stood beside her with the phone still in her ear, she noticed that On-Jo kept on calling the emergency number but nobody picked up.

Suddenly Na-Yeon stood up as she faced the three by the window, "let's call the cops again. . ." She told them, "What we did—" Cheong-san butt in.

"Get them to listen." She insists, cutting Cheong-san off.

On-Jo stares at the desperate female with the phone still pressed against her ear, "I am, but they won't pick up." She replied slowly, getting closer to Sae-ha with her eyes on Na-Yeon.

Soon she turned to her next target, the class president, "hey." She called Nam-ra while approaching her, her eyes glared on the class president which caught everyone's attention.

Nam-ra looked up with her usual cold expression, "Do something." Na-Yeon stated, "Tell Miss Park to come and help, do something!" she commanded her, "do what?" Sae-Ha interrupts, she doesn't want the class president to be under pressure because of what Na-Yeon just told her to do.

Na-Yeon turned to Sae-Ha, "I don't know, anything. . ." She trailed before turning to Nam-ra once again.

"What have you done as class president?" Na-Yeon tries to guilt trip Nam-ra, "stop it.." Hyo-ryeong says to Na-Yeon but she ignores the female while keeping her eyes on the class president.

The female twin was about to protest but Nam-ra surprised her when she got up from her chair and faced Na-Yeon, "Teacher office? Do you want me to get to the office right now? So you want me to leave now?" She asks, her tone as calm as ever as the female watches the two girls.

Na-Yeon felt threatened and gulped as she lowered her head but kept her eyes on the class president, "Well, if you're offering. . ." Her response sounded nervous which caused a smirk across my face.

"You told me to do something," She continued, "do you want me to leave now?" she asked again, nobody has ever felt such vibes coming from Nam-ra since all she did was study and be perfect.

On-Jo noticed that Sae-Ha has been staring at Nam-ra the whole time Na-Yeon and her talk which only saddens her, "Stop it, you two.." On-Job butt in trying to stop them, "She only said that because you're the class president." She tried to be wise but her words only made Sae-Ha shake her head in disappointment.

"Yeah, you are. Right?" Dae-su interrupts, "So just be patient, okay?" Wu-Jin tries to help his friend after Nam-ra coldly stares at the male.

"Hmm. . . so funny," Nam-ra let out, On-Jo raised her brows confused, "what so funny?" she asked the class president. Nam-ra turned to the girl beside Sae-Ha, "Now that we are in this mess, I'm your class president suddenly? What a joke..." She points out which only causes the whole class to go quiet.

Su-Hyeok feels the tension turn to his sister as he nudges her shoulder, Sae-ha rolls her eyes and sighs, "let's just wait, we did call the police so I am sure we'll be fine." She reminds them but Na-Yeon couldn't wait any longer and whines loudly, "But no one is coming!" she shouts, whining in front of everyone.

Sae-Ha turned to her brother and shook her head, "she's gonna be dead first if she keeps whining.." She whispers when the girls start to bicker, especially Ji-Min and Na-Yeon, the duo bicker back and forth when Gyeong-su interrupts them, probably annoyed that they are fighting in such situations.

"Oh, now you're butting in, shithead" Na-Yeon spit, glaring annoyingly at the male by the door, Gyeong-su wasn't having it as he stood tall not holding the door anymore, "what?" he whispers, "did you just call me shithead?" He asks her while taking a few steps forward, "call me a shithead, you shithead!" He shouted about attacking Na-Yeon and luckily Dae-su and Wu-Jin pulled him back before he could even touch the annoying female.

Na-Yeon didn't like how everyone helped the male as he grunted against Wu-Jin and Dae-su grips, "just guard the door, Gyeong-su ah.." Sae-Ha told her friend, he hesitated at first but sighs before turning toward the door when suddenly the door slide opens and was quick to shut which caused Gyeong-su to trip behind in panic.

"Coach Kang?" Gyeong-su identified the teacher as the teacher scanned the whole classroom with his eyes wide but what made Sae-Ha on high ground was the unpleasant smell coming from the teacher, "yikes.."

"Are you kids alright?" The coach asks them yet nobody responds, only nodding their head. Coach Kang let out a breath of relief before taking a few steps forward and Gyeong-su slowly approached the teacher, "What about you? You weren't bitten, right?" He questioned the teacher for the sake of everyone's safety, "No, of course not. I am all right!" He exclaimed while everyone breathed out in sighs but not a certain person, her eyes glared through the teacher as he gestured everyone to block the doorway.

The teacher sees the glaring message that the female is sending but ignores her. He knows better than to mess with the anger issues twin; she won't hesitate to put the teacher in his place if he did any wrong moves.

But what caught her attention was the mark on the couch arm after he pulled his sleeves up, I-Sak that stood a few steps followed her eyes to spot the same mark while slowly approaching her best friend.

"What are you doing? Come help us." Coach Kang told the two girls in the middle yet none of them budge.

Sae-Ha sighs, "ah shit here we go again.."


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