seperated again

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Sae-Ha's attention was deliberately drawn to her brother as he waited by the entrance while Cheong-San made his way around to the other side of the room where everyone else was standing. Su-Hyeok took a deep breath as he nodded his head. The only things that were going through his mind were thoughts of his mother and sister.

Cheong-San finally made it to their side, and Sae-Ha glanced at her brother again as he hurriedly slid open the door and dashed over to theirs. Quickly, Sae-Ha assists everyone else in pushing the barricade so that the zombies will not be able to destroy their defence.

"PUSH!" A groan comes from Sae-Ha, and then everyone starts pushing on the barricade as the music starts playing on the television. On-Jo takes a quick glance out the window and notices that there is more outside. "Dae-Su, make some noise!" she exclaimed as she turned to face everyone. She demands

Hesitatedly, Dae-Su breathes in loudly before screaming, "YOU STUPID ZOMBIES!" He screamed, attracting more zombies as they pillaged the room, "Stupid Zombies!" He yelled again, seeing the dried up Dae-Su; On-Jo began picking up the instruments as she hit them. Soon all the girls began to follow what On-Jo did as more came in. Wu-Jin hurriedly checked on the windows as he watched each zombie run past the back door.

"It is safe!" Yelled Dae-Su, Wu-Jin turned to them panicking, "A little more!" He kept on glancing out of the windows while everyone began hitting the zombies that tried to jump on their side with the instrument.

"Come on, it's safe!" Wu-Jin looked both ways down the hall. He shouts as he slides open the door. Hyo-Ryeong and Ji-Min were the first to reach Wu-Jin, while the others were still attempting to hold the barricade. Joon-Yong came after him, leaving Sae-Ha, Dae-Su, Su-Hyeok, Cheong-San, On-Jo, and Nam-Ra to man the barricade.

Cheong-San and On-Jo exchange looks before On-Jo follows Joon-Yong. Sae-Ha nods at Nam-Ra, signaling for her to join On-Jo. She took a brief moment of reflection before turning around and leaving the other four behind. Sae-Ha is taken aback when Su-Hyeok unexpectedly shoves her off of the barricades.

"Yah!" She exclaimed, shocked.

"Go." Su-Hyeok yelled. He looks at her, nodding his head; she hesitates for a moment before running away, leaving with a guilty heart.

"Lee Su-Hyeok! You better not die today!" She grunts.

Sae-Ha quickly scrambled to get away from Nam-Ra when she saw her, but she was pinned against the wall next to her. As Nam-Ra was getting ready to help Sae-Ha, she saw a zombie approaching and yelled, "GO!" Sae-Ha yelled, fighting off the zombie as another one lunged at her.
Seeing that a group of zombies were coming from the lower level, she hesitated to leave the girl alone. Sae-Ha kept on throwing the zombies off her. Yet more came. She saw Nam-Ra still standing by the edges of the stairs. "Just go!" she yelled.

The moment Sae-Ha thought she would get bitten, her brother arrived, knocking off the zombie that was on top of her. He pulled his sister up and dragged her up the stairs while Cheong-San and Dae-Su ran past them.

As he let his sister go first, a zombie grabbed Su-Hyeok's leg, causing him to fall on the stairs; Nam-Ra and Sae-Ha, who were behind him, quickly helped him get on his feet before the three of them rushed up into the highest level of the building.

Things were getting stranger and stranger until all of a sudden, Sae-Ha's head began to feel dizzy, and she suddenly fell down on her knees. Her sudden collapse shocked Nam-Ra and Su-Hyeok. Su-Hyeok ran to his sister's side, his eyes widening in terror as he watched more zombies charging forward to bite them.

"Let's go." He told his younger sister, but she was in excruciating pain, pain she'd never felt before; clutching her head, she looked at the zombies charging toward them.

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