see you later

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Wrapping the blazer around my brother, I slowly get  on my feet while stretching my shoulders, my back sore from sleeping against the cabinet with my stomach growling. Hands on my stomach while the rest slowly awakened and sat quietly around the table, they all sat by the table while I stood on my feet and my brother was still on the ground.

Time went by, the sun slowly shining in the broadcast room with Cheong-san and Ji-Min standing by the broken windows, "let's keep waiting..." On-Jo said, "They'll come for us eventually." She tries to lighten our mood and stay in a positive mind. On-Jo stares at Hyo-Ryeong until our eyes lock, swifty I move my gaze away from her and out the windows.

"How long do we wait?" Hye-Ryeong asks On-Jo, from this room vibes, I could see that not everyone is on the same page, some of us spread negativity and I could see from their face that none of them has any faith yet again, I don't either.

"Until they show up.." On-Jo was unsure as she looked down to the ground, I looked at Hye-Ryeong as she looked out the window, "there's no guarantee they'll come, though.." She says out loud.

The two looked at each other again while Cheong-san took a seat right behind On-Jo and Nam-Ra, "So..." On-Jo pauses for a while, "You want to go out there?" She asked the other. I stood behind Hye-Ryeong with my arms now crossing while ignoring my stomach.

Opening my mouth to suggest a way out, Ji-Min beat me to it when she turned to face us, "even if they come, they won't find us.. If they don't know we're here." She pointed out, causing me to nod my head, "she has a point." I backed up Ji-Min, surprising everyone.

"What?" I ask them with one of my eyebrows raised and head tilted, shaking their head, they turn back to face each other away from me. On-Jo coughing awkwardly, "well.." she started, "we can put up a sign for help.." Woo-Jin and I made eye contact for a while, "how?" Ji-Min asked her.

"Well.." she said, "I remember my dad taught me a signal that's used internationally." She told us, I lean back with my legs crossed and eyes on her friend.

"What is it?' Hyo-Ryeong asked, which sounded interesting.

"It was red and blue arranged together.." She says while making a gesture with her hands, "to create some sort of a pattern." She trails, eyeing each of us; clearly nobody knows what sign she is talking about.

"Or maybe, should we write "SOS" on a curtain, maybe?" She suggested.

I nodded my head, "whatever you were saying just now, just don't say it if you don't remember. Even I, Joon-Yong and Nam-Ra don't even know what this signal is.." I say, not trying to hurt her feelings but I can see across her expression that my words slightly hurt her feelings.

Hyo-Ryeong, who noticed the other sudden insecurities, quickly jumped in, "yeah.. Let's do it." But On-Jo looked sad as she lowered her head.

"We can't last long, anyway." Nam-Ra speaks, after staying silent for a long time. Everyone turned their gaze to their class president, "three minutes without oxygen, three days without water, three weeks without food." She whispers, now catching everyone's attention.

"What's that?" Su-Hyeok asks the female, by now Ji-Min has leaned against the glass cabinet while sitting beside him.

His twin sister stood beside him, understanding what she was saying as well, "it means, how long can a person survive." Nam-Ra says out loud, eyes locked with Su-Hyeok.

"What do you mean?" On-Jo asks, "It's only been a day, you know." She started, "we have to try the best we can." She urges. Nam-Ra turns to On-Jo, seriousness in her feature, "We'll show signs of dehydration today and we won't be able to move for tomorrow." She explained.

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