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SU-HYEOK POVMy eyes grew wider as I peered down at my sister, who was unresponsive

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My eyes grew wider as I peered down at my sister, who was unresponsive. I hissed at Cheong-San, "What's wrong with you?" I screamed at him, grunting against Dae-Su's arms, as he pulled me back.

Wu-Jin yanked him back, yelling, "She was in the way!" in response to my yell. I gave him a scathing look and shoved Dae-Su off of me before sprinting over to my sister's unconscious body.

I knelt next to my unconscious sister, feeling for any wounds, before turning to face Nam-Ra, who gave me a teary-eyed look and asked, "You alright?" She nodded her head, breathing heavily as if in pain.

I overheard Nam-Ra tell Sae-Ha that she "willingly" wanted to bind our wrists together. My sister and I were crouching nearby when I let out a breath and turned my head to the left and right until I located the curtain rope. I stood up, walked to the string, and returned to my sister's side.

They all look at me as I tie my sister's hand to Nam-Ra's and urge them, "You all see this; she won't be assaulting any of you," as I draw their attention to the curtain fragment.

"If she does, my sister will be the first because she willingly wants to protect you all by being the sacrifice." I hissed at them before picking up my sister and pulling two chairs for Nam-Ra and myself while the three of us stared out of the windows.

My sister hasn't woken up yet, while Nam-ra and I remain by each other's sides, peering out the windows. "Do you know why she willingly wants to protect you?" I asked Nam-Ra while keeping my sister close to my chest, the sound of the wind calming my heart.

"I don't.." Nam-Ra says, "But I wonder, why is she so determined to protect me? I am nobody... just a useless and rude class president." She adds; I turn to face her with a tiny smile.

"For her, you're none of those," I state.

"She always talks about how awesome and clever you are. Sometimes she is jealous of your smartness, but over time, she gets used to it. She doesn't mind if she ends up being on the third number or second if you are happy." I told her. By now, both of us are looking into each other's eyes. She sent me a tiny smile when, suddenly, my sister started wiggling a little in my arm.

Looking down at her, a soft tiny smile made its way to my face. "Finally, you are awake." I greeted her. Sae-Ha looks up into my eyes when she rolls her eyes and groans lightly, "Oh fuck off." She scoffs.  

Seeing her trying to free herself from my grip, a light chuckle escapes before releasing her and getting up on my feet while leading her to the chair I was using, "and ta-da!" I exclaimed, showing her their tied wrists. She rolls her eyes at me before leaning back into the chair.

While Su-Hyeok sat behind the two females, his worry didn't fade away. He promised to take care of his sister, yet here he is, sitting behind as he watches silently. Suddenly, On-Jo approached the two females. She stood in front of Sae-Ha with a worried gaze as Sae-Ha faced her. "You guys can leave a message if you want to," On-Jo told them.

Sae-Ha took the camera from On-Jo's hand and looked down at it, "But I don't have anything to say anymore..." she trailed and turned to Nam-Ra. "You?" She asked the class president. Nam-Ra looked down at the camera, not saying anything while shaking her head.

On-Jo glances at Nam-Ra, and she is jealous because Sae-Ha protected her. She wanted to be the one Sae-Ha saved, "We trust you," she said, making the two face each other, "You can untie now." She told them, but her gaze was still on Nam-Ra.

The two of them stared at On-Jo for a few seconds before she retrieved herself from their sight. Sae-Ha turned back to face Nam-Ra while putting the camera in between them. Once the camera was placed down, Nam-Ra took the camera and turned it on, as she pointed the camera at her face. Sae-Ha watched silently, waiting for her to talk, yet no words came out of her lips before she turned the camera off once again.

"I don't know why you're doing this, Sae-Ha," Nam-Ra's tone was dull as the other faced her, "that because they're scared," she replied as they both looked into each other's eyes.

"And you are not scared?" She asked Sae-Ha. The other shrugged her shoulders while nodding a little. Nam-Ra looked at her, puzzled and curious, and said, "A little." She inquired.

"Because," Sae-Ha trailed off, "I am not scared of you." She added.

"You know, earlier when you were passed out..." Nam-Ra trailed off, "I told them, I wanted to bite you." She continued, the tone of her voice sounded guilty, but Sae-Ha only flashed her a soft warm smile.

"It's okay," she insisted, "you were hungry, and it's all in the past now."

That made Nam-Ra feel even more guilty as she looked past her. "I don't know, but I feel like I was dreaming..." she told Sae-Ha, "And you were giving off such a beautiful scent."

"What kind of scent?" Sae-Ha asks.

"I don't know," Nam-Ra replied as she looked at the wall. "It was something that I had never smelled before." She continued. "But I remember all I could think about was eating you," she said, adding, "how much I wanted to bite you, bite you, and eat you."

"That was all I thought," Sae-Ha listens as she looks out the window as she listens to Nam-Ra's description, "but then I heard your voice. You were calling my name." Nam-Ra says. They faced each other once again, eyes locked; somehow Sae-Ha was gazing into Nam-Ra's eyes lovingly; "It was your voice. That woke me."

"So tell me, why are you so determined to protect me?" she asked Sae-Ha.

Sae-Ha gulped, "I just think that, maybe you're not that bad to be protected..." she started. "But I don't know why," she admitted after a brief pause. "Perhaps I was falling for you and am afraid of leaving you alone again."

Once again, they were left in silence. The female twin was embarrassed because she was confessing her feelings while in such a situation; why didn't she just confess when everything was normal? Nam-Ra, embarrassed by the sudden confession, turns away from Sae-Ha and focuses her gaze on the camera.

"Sae-Ha..." She started, "I like you too." She admitted, which made the other face the class president with a soft smile across her face.

They faced each other in silence while Nam-Ra slowly leant closely to the female as she closed the gap between them; their lips connected as they kissed for a few seconds before she pulled away, embarrassed. "I am glad." She started while avoiding eye contact.

"To know that before I die," she says, embarrassed.

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