toilet + flashback

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Things happened so fast, Na-Yeon gets slapped twice; she confesses of killing Gyeong-su because of her jealousy and Miss Park running after her when she went out of the recording room.

Sae-Ha sat by the door with her back against it, staring quietly and coldly at whoever in front of her while they were all talking until Ji-Min opened her mouth, "should she be alive?" she questioned them.

"What do you mean?" Joon-Yong asked her, her questions earned everyone attention; followed by stares as they waited for her next words.

She looked at everyone sharply one by one, "she's a murderer." she reasoned , "She killed Gyeong-su and walked out of here on her own." she says, "is it even right for her to be alive? aren't you all being fake?" she questioned them back, trying to make them feel guilty as well; but for Sae-Ha it's not working.

Silently she scoffed under her breath, "what about miss park?" Woo-Jin asked her, "should she have died too?" he asked but Ji-Min stopped him, "is that our fault?" he bicker.

"Either way, we're responsible for what happened." he reasoned, "why is that?" Ji-Min asked back with her voice slightly louder, "what did we do wrong?" They all silently listened to her vent, "Lee Na-Yeon killed someone, then played the victims, and chose to leave on her own, just because we didn't listen to her." she paused for a second, "if no one's on your side, is it okay to kill?" Sae-Ha rolled her eyes and looked at her classmates; most of them lowered their heads while some stared at Ji-Min.

"Miss Park acted like we were wrong, we didn't tell Na-Yeon to go out there. . . we didn't tell miss park to go out there, either." She started looking at each of them, "why should we feel bad?" she questioned them again.

Sae-Ha shook her head and closed her eyes, she had enough of running and her words are just trying to make her feel guilty when she doesn't— "maybe you should stop trying to cause everyone here to feel bad, they only say that so we can all see the positivity." Words coming from the younger twin are rare, sure she is brilliant and athletic but guilt tripping is not her game.

"don't try to use your guilt against us, it's not working, especially for me."

Everyone knows how Sae-Ha is, she is the happy go lucky twin, the one who will turn negativity to positivity; she might look innocent but her words are sharper and painful, guilt is her game and she knows when someone tries to pin it on someone else. And for the record, almost everyone knows not to interrogate her.

After listening to her words, the room grew silent; no one dared to speak up until Sae-Ha noticed the troublesome look on her brother's face, "hey. . ." he called out for everyone's attention.

"I feel weird saying this . . . but—" he began but stopped by Woo-Jin, "don't say it." He stopped him by hitting his abdomen which caused him to let out a groan.

Ignoring Woo-Jin's warning, he began again, "does anyone else have to go to the bathroom by any chance?" He asks; now everyone thinks of it— they do need the toilets.

"Am I the only one?" he asked until Dae-su raised his hand, "I do.." he announced.

"We have to go, too, eventually." Hyo-Ryeong stated, "but we can't go out."

"Aish." Sae-Ha let out, getting tired slightly, "when you guys have the solution, please wake me up." She told them as she let herself slowly drown in darkness; with her in this kind of situation, she wouldn't mind at all.

FLASHBACK of SAE-HA childhood

/ TRIGGER WARNING ! Torture & Kidnapping /

Somewhere in a park, little Sae-Ha sat alone by the swing; the sky has turned dark and her friends have got home one by one as their parents arrive to take them home.

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