expection become reality

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Sae-Ha walks around the campus until she catches a glimpse of Nam-ra with her face on the book in her hand, she passes everyone, ignoring her surroundings while Sae-Ha nods her head if they greet her.

Once she stood near her, she tapped Nam-ra's shoulder, "You know wearing earphones is bad for your ear right.." Nam-ra stares, unable to hear what Sae-Ha has said.

Nam-ra stops and turns to face Sae-Ha, "so?" She says while Sae-Ha zipped her lips not knowing what to say, Nam-ra doesn't feel like talking and focuses back on her book as she continues walking ahead.

Sae-Ha cursed inside her thoughts before catching up to Nam-ra once again, she used both her hands to stop her as she looked at both sides of her ears, "do you wanna go see Hyeong-Ju after school?" She asks her, Nam-ra stares back, "Why should I?" She asked.

"Because you're the class president," Sae-Ha points out, causing Nam-ra to stop walking and face her, "do you know that my mom donated a lot and that causes me to become class president." She stated which Sae-Ha nodded her head.

Nam-ra wait for Sae-Ha to speak but nothing came out which only made her begin walking away once again, Su-Hyeok suddenly appears behind her as he snaek his arms around his sister causing her to jolt in shock, "what the FUCK!" She hissed but Su-Hyeok only chuckles before unwrapping his arms around his sister.

"How it is? She say yes or nah?" He ask her, his sister face him with a glare but their thoughts are interrupted when students ran passed them, bumping into her. She let out a hiss about to catch the person that bumped into her but Su-Hyeok stopped her when he realized a lot of students ran away from the direction Nam-ra went.

"Something wrong." He told her, she stares ahead when she remember that Nam-ra are going to the direction, rapidly she pushes her brother away and ran towards Nam-ra.

Nam-ra walks calmly, ignoring the students that bumped into her when Sae-Ha aggressively grabs her arm but she struggles her hand off her arms until she grabs onto her arm once again earning Nam-ra attention, she was about to curse but stopped when Sae-Ha looked in front of her shocked.

Quickly, she turned to face the other way when a student jumped onto another student, biting into their skin as they ate their flesh without caring of their surroundings. The books that once in her hand are now on the ground as Sae-Ha dragged her to find a safe place.

Su-Hyeok waited by the pathway, quickly holding his sister's arm and leading the two girls away from the scene, they ran past each student that was soaking in blood.

"This way!" Su-Hyeok shouted about getting into the building but stopped when a student slammed into the glass which only made him lead the girls further, they were surrounded by screams when Sae-Ha saw the ladder that leads to their classroom.

"Su-Hyeok!" She gestured to the ladder, he quickly turned to the direction that his sister pointed as he quickly led them toward the ladder, he let his sister hand down as he quickly took the ladder from the side to the window of their classroom.

"I'll go first to see if the class is safe." He told his sister as he climbed up the ladder first while Sae-Ha guard Nam-ra, she stared around their surroundings when one of the bloody shirt students jumped on her. Before it could bite her skin, her hand touches a stick which she quickly uses to throw the zombie away from her.

"SAE-HA!" Su-Hyeok calls out for his twin sister after helping Nam-ra get into the class, On-Jo that stood by Cheong-san watches in panic until she catches sight of Sae-Ha's head while Su-Hyeok pulls her away from the window and the ladder falls.

Once her feet touched the floor of her classroom, her attention went to Nam-ra as she held onto both her shoulders and began looking for any injuries, "are you alright?" Sae-Ha asks, not noticing On-Jo eyes trailing behind her.

Nam-ra nods her head before she follows her brother laying on the floor with his arms around his sister as they breathe heavily, "It's that it.." Sae-Ha breathed out.

"Zombies.." Su-Hyeok continued, eyes widened.

As soon as he saw a zombie appear from behind the door, Joon-Yong guard startled everyone as he slowly slid down from the glass while still guarding the classroom.

/ yeah, protective older brother is hot . . . .

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