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Silently, Sae-Ha ate one pack of bread in the storage room and a can of Pepsi until her stomach was full. Her mind went back to her friends and Cheong-San, "they might be hungry.." She thought and began looking around for an empty bag, in the storage room; she often stayed with her friends and stole a few cans and packs of food which they often left an empty bag behind.

Spotting the bag, she begins filling up the bag with packs of foods and four cans of pepsi. She can't be greedy at these hours, she must think of others as well; not just herself and her brother. As soon as she was done with the food; she turned to the window, it's still too early. Approaching the window, she slides open and pulls out her head to see the edges of the building; maybe if she checks all the classes, she'll end up back with Cheong-San.

Tying the bag with a rope around her waist after sliding the backpack on, she took a deep breath before she slowly stepped on the edges of the building and slowly reached the next classroom. She didn't notice that a drone was watching her as she was so focused on her steps.

BACK IN THE BROADCAST ROOM, Su-Hyeok was yelling angrily at his sister for being too brave; he worried that she'll step and fall to her death, they kept on watching until they spotted Cheong-San in the music room.

Sae-Ha carefully reached the last room as she looked in the classroom to see Cheong-San by the end of the classroom over a piano, Cheong-San was glad but sound of thumping from the window startled him; quickly he glanced at the window to see hand knocking on it. His eyes widened and quickly slid the window open and pulled the woman in the room, Sae-Ha heavily pant as she once again dropped to the ground tiredly.

"How are you surviving?" Cheong-San asked, in confusion. There were a lot of zombies chasing him yet here she is, breathing heavily.

"You don't wanna know, man.." She replied, chest going up and down while trying to catch her breath; even just by stepping on the edges of the building has already taken a ton of her energy, why didn't she just pass out when she was with her twin brother?

"Wait, what is that?" He asked her when he spotted the bag on her back, she had forgotten about the can which her eyes widened as she quickly sat on her ass while handing him the bag filled with food, "got it while I was at the conference room."

Cheong-San glance at the bag in his hand while slowly opening the bag, his eyes widened as he quickly take one of the bread and Pepsi, he is hungry which she can't judge him, "don't eat all of 'em', we need to give it to the rest as well..." She said and soon fell asleep on the spot while Cheong-San quietly ate.

The duo quietly and peacefully enjoy the silence until the school speaker squeaks startled the sleepy Sae-Ha, "but how do we get out?" Ji-Min's voice came out from the speaker, "we have nowhere to go, anyway." The speaker cut off, Cheong-San and Sae-Ha looked at each other when the speaker squeaked again.
Once Cheong-San was done eating, they both stood by the windows. Watching the zombies crawling on the school ground, "Did you get the phone?" She asks him while they both stare out the window.

He nodded his head while sighing, "but the connection has been cut off.." He continued, "The phone was useless." He stated, remembering how the phone was on 5 percent and none of the emergency line working.

"Maybe, this is just our luck.." She sighs when the speaker once again squeaks, surprising the duo as they venture their eyes to the speaker.

"Anyone?" Joon-Yong says through the speaker.

"I've never done it before.." Dae-Su's voice came through the speaker, "Somebody do it. Dae-su?" Hyo-Ryeong's voice join in.

"Here goes nothing..." Dae-Su stated.

"Uh! Mic test! One, two. One, two." His voice came through the speaker clearly, "Lee Cheong-San and Lee Sae-Ha, are you both there?" He asked them through the speaker, a smile made its way to Cheong-San's face while Sae-Ha took a seat near the window.

"We-" Dae-su was stopped by Su-Hyeok, "What are you doing?" His voice came through the speaker causing Sae-Ha to chuckles, she knew her brother was judging Dae-su from his tone.

"Hey" Su-Hyeok's voice took over, "Can you hear us, Cheong-San and Sae-Ha?" He ask them, "It's Su-hyeok." He acknowledged them, "We'll come to you guys, so please stay put." He added.

"Understood?" He demanded.

Cheong-San suddenly approached the speaker, "don't come, moron. You're gonna get bit." He scolded the speaker causing the female to let out a tiny chuckle, a sigh came from the speaker, "I know what you'll say," Su-Hyeok continue, "but we can't hear you here." He added.

"What the hell are you doing, Bare-su?" Cheong-San asks the speaker which again causes Sae-Ha to giggles.

"So don't go anywhere. Wait for us." Su-Hyeok says, "You really can't go anywhere." He added, "seriously." He added.

"We'll come now and please, don't let my sister do anything stupid anymore." He added while the broadcast was still on, chuckles kept coming from Sae-Ha when Dae-Su and Wu-Jin began bickering about the smell of poop in the room.

"This can't end well.." Cheong-San whispered, he approached the door while Sae-Ha began to approach him as he looked out the corridors, "What are you doing?" She asks him, "If they come here, things will be worse." He told her as he was about to open the door when On-Jo's voice came through the speaker, "Cheong-San.." She trailed, causing him to turn to the speaker, "stay still." She added, "I know you never listen to me, but please do it this time." She begged.

(ngl, On-Jo sounds like the pick me girl person...)

Sae-Ha turns to Cheong-San with a smirk, "so, are we going to go or?" She asked him. He turned to face her with a deep breath, "let just stay and wait." he told her.

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