escape to the roof

951 31 1

On the other side of the room, everyone was sitting quietly, trying to figure out how to get out onto the rooftop, when, all of a sudden, Nam-Ra stood up, causing Sae.-Ha to look up at her, perplexed.

The moment Nam-Ra stands up, all eyes are on her, wondering what is going on. Sae-Ha looks at the class president and asks, "What?" Nam-Ra turned to Sae-Ha, perplexed. "I heard something strange..." she said, causing Sae-Ha to stand up as she stared at the curtains.

As the others approached them while still wary of the class president's movements, Nam-Ra began moving toward the window while softly dragging Sae-Ha behind her, with Su-Hyeok following.

Sae-Ha and Su-Hyeok exchange glances before the female turns to Nam-Ra and says, "I hear it." Nam-Ra whispers, confusing the twins.

"What is it?" Sae-Ha asks.

"What did you hear?" On-Jo interrupted them.

Nam-Ra swiveled to look at On-Jo. "I heard someone puking." She said,

"How can you be so sure? I didn't hear any." The woman behind her spoke as she looked at her brother for confirmation that she indeed didn't hear anything.

"It stopped." The class president stated

Everyone had been keeping an eye on Nam-Ra by this point, and their hearts started to race when the zombie under the piano began to move; Cheong-San's eyes went to the piano. "What stopped?" Ask Su-Hyeok as he stood behind his sister while his gaze stayed on Nam-Ra.

"The sounds of throwing up," Nam-Ra confirmed, with no emotion on her face as she silently listened. Oddly, she can also pick up on the racing hearts of everyone around her, from Sae-Ha and Su-Hyeok to Hyo-Ryeong.

"Stop it. You're making me nervous. As Hyo-Ryeong says, staring at Nam-Ra with terror in her eyes, Nam-Ra and the twins turn to face the woman in the pink vessel; the twins give her a normal gaze, but Nam-Ra looks at her with confusion.

"You didn't hear it?" Nam-Ra asks her.

Hyo-Ryeong remained by On-Jo's side and fixed her gaze on the student body president, saying, "I'm not hearing anything." She responded.

Sae-Ha holds Nam-Ra's hand while the class president stares intently at Hyo-Ryeong, 'What?" She asks Nam-Ra as her breath slowly gets louder. 
"What?" Hyo-Ryeong asked Nam-Ra, her face slowly turning pale.

"Are you scared?" Nam-Ra asked her emotionlessly.

"Stop that..." Hyo-Ryeong replied, sounding as if she was about to cry.

With Hyo-Ryoeng breathing heavily, Nam-Ra continued, "It just..." She trailed.

Sae-Ha and Su-Hyeok face Hyo-Ryeong, "You're breathing the loudest here." She declared.

Sae-Ha held Nam-Ra's hand tightly, "Do you hear that?" On-Jo suddenly says, interrupting the tension in the room. Everyone's gaze was drawn to the petite, but Hyo-Ryeong shook her head.

"All I hear is that zombie." Dae-Su chirps in.

Silently, the twins looked around the classroom as Su-Hyeok held his sister's hand; Sae-Ha had the uneasy feeling that something else was there with them, but she didn't want to say anything for fear of making the other students even more skeptical after learning that Nam-Ra had been bitten.

"We should go. It's weird here." Nam-Ra state.

"But we can't just leave," Cheong-San responds.

"There are zombies outside." He pointed it out, causing Dae-Su to let out a sigh.

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