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It appeared that everybody was working hard on constructing the barricade. Every second, Cheong-San would cast his gaze toward the female, but whenever she caught his eye, he would quickly avert his gaze. They were making their way further and further to the very back of the line, both of them alone. Sae-Ha was picking up some rope on the floor when Cheong-San tapped her shoulder.

"Sae-Ha." He called her name, earning her attention as she flashed him a confused expression.

"I'm sorry." He apologized.

Sae-Ha stood on her feet, nodding her head, "It's alright. You were doing that to protect everyone." She replied with a smile.

Cheong-San smiles back at Sae-Ha before they continue building the barricade. Sae-Ha moves back and forth until she is left with On-Jo, who is tying a chair to a table. She saw that On-Jo was trying to avoid eye contact, so Sae-Ha stopped and put her hand on On-Jo's head.

"Why do you look like you're mad at me?" Sae-Ha asks. Nam-Ra,

Obviously, On-Jo was mad. She just confessed her feelings a few days ago before the outbreak, yet Sae-Ha hasn't said anything or that she accepted her. "You didn't say anything," On-Jo says, looking into Sae-Ha's eyes. She told Sae-Ha.

Sae-Ha was speechless. Was she supposed to tell her how she felt? But she never saw On-Jo as more than a friend and family member. She appreciates that she confessed her feelings to her, but it just doesn't feel the same if she is dating one of the people she considers a friend. With Nam-Ra, it's different. The way Nam-Ra stuck to herself, reading by herself, just caught her attention. Sae-Ha was the only one that Nam-Ra tolerated. Nam-Ra liked the attention she got from Sae-Ha. Each time Sae-Ha would be talking to her brother or friends, her name seemed to come out of her lips.

"I'm sorry, On-Jo." Sae-Ha declared.

On-Jo kept her gaze fixed on the female, half-smiling; her heart was broken because Sae-Ha had never liked her back. "I can't seem to date you because I know there is someone here who likes you more than I." She told On-Jo with a tiny smile. on her face.

Sae-Ha is not stupid. She can tell the difference between like and love. On-Jo liked her for her childish and attractive appearance, but all she wanted was someone to call her own.

"It's okay." On-Jo choked a little, tears starting to form underneath her eyes before she turned away and rushed toward Cheong-San. Sae-Ha remained silent as Su-Hyeok emerged from behind.

"What was that about?" His voice startled her, almost made her fall backward, but luckily, he was at her back.

"What the heck!" She hissed at her brother while he chuckled at her shock expression, shaking his head; he helped her down to the floor with her still gasping for air.

"Why are you so harsh on the poor girl?" Su-Hyeok teases his sister, causing Sae-Ha to roll her eyes at her brother's childishness.

"I just told her, I don't feel the same way." Sae-Ha admitted.

"Yes, I am aware of that." The younger was further perplexed by his response.

"How so?" she asked him.

"I saw you kissing with Nam-Ra back there." He states, with a tone that suggests he is smarter than she. Rolling her eyes, she pushes her brother away and goes to Nam-Ra, helping the rest before opening the door.

Standing on the floor while Nam-Ra stepped on the table as she checked on the now built barricade, I turned to On-Jo as she spoke, "I think this is enough." I nodded my head and helped Nam-Ra down from the table. "Aren't you guys coming?" Dae-Su asks us.

"We left a gap over there for you." He gestures, using his head, pointing at the end of the barricade. I venture my eyes to my brother and nod my head, "Let's go." He said.

Su-Hyeok grabbed one of the chairs and moved it so that it was positioned in front of the open space. He started climbing in first, before assisting Nam-Ra, On-Jo, and I with our ascent. "Why aren't you coming?" The question was posed by On-Jo to Cheong-San as he observed my departure first. As I stood next to On-Jo with my brother standing next to me, I turned my head to him in a state of bewilderment.

Cheong-San looks at us with a blank expression and says, "Well, someone has to stay to open the door." He claimed

I make a small nod of my head as I recall that On-Jo did not explain how to open the door while we were standing by the barricade, "Couldn't you have come up with a better plan?" Dae-Su sighs while scolding On-Jo.

I face Dae-Su while shaking my head at his whining, "It's okay." I heard Cheong-San say. Going back to gazing at Cheong-San, "I'll come over right away." He told us while I nodded my head. As I was about to walk away, my brother suddenly spoke up, "Wait." I stopped and turned to him, "I'll come." He exclaimed and jumped over the cabins. My eyes widened as I held his arm. He turned to me with a smile.

"It's fine." He told me as I slowly released my grip from his arm, flashing me a warm smile; he followed Cheong-San toward the door.

I watched as my brother followed Cheong-San, worried in my eyes. When a presence was by my side, as the person held my hand, I ventured my gaze to the person to see Nam-Ra.

"It's going to be okay, your brother is fast." She told me, I nodded my head, and soon we stood on our feet, preparing for the worse.

"Please let us get to the roof." I prayed.

IN THE ABANDONED PRISON, Mrs.Lee suddenly feels dizzy. Her heart was beating loudly against her chest as it felt as if someone was stabbing her multiple times. Se-Ri, who stood behind, hurried to the woman's side.

"Mrs. Lee! Are you alright?" She was worried.

Mrs.Lee shook her head with her hand over her chest, "Su-Hyeok, Sae-Ha..." She whispered her children's names before passing out in Se-Ri's arms.

The young girl's face showed signs of panic as she screamed for assistance, and nurses and soldiers rushed into the room just in time to see Sa-Rang collapse in the arms of the other person. In a hurry, they moved the doctor into a room and had nurses check on the woman.

While the room was being guarded by soldiers, Se-Ri was led out; however, she became uneasy when another soldier entered during the soldiers' salute. When Se-Ri saw the person standing in front of her wearing a mask, she turned to look at the soldier and asked, "What happened to Lieutenant General Hwang?" He asked Se-Ri sternly.

Her complexion turned pale, and her heartbeat quickened as she sucked in large amounts of saliva before exclaiming, "She passed out!" She responded in a trembling voice, "Passed out because she is worried about her children, Sir!" She continues.

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