2. I hate you

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All 5 members of the family sitting together in the hall. What do you expect?

A lots of fun, laughter and joy.

But the situation was exactly opposite at the Sharma's.

Anushka, Kans, her beautiful mom, her young dad and her pet Dude was present in the hall of their beautiful apartment but unlike every family get-together, they all were silent and the environment was tense.

Dude and the Sharma siblings were totally unaware of the reasons about this sudden metting called by their mother.

Anushka tried to ask his dad about the issue by raising her eyebrows and he too nodded his head in a No conveying that he also have no clue.

"Anushka, I can see those raised eyebrows of yours. Stop asking your dad, it's of no use." Finally Ashima Aunty said.

"Mom, then you tell us. What's this sudden family meeting about and why do you look so upset?" Anushka asked.

"Why am I looking upset? Are you kidding Anushka? After whatever's happening from the past 1 month, you really have the audacity to ask this?" And from this, Anushka knew what her mom was talking about.

"Mom, let's not talk about it, Please. I'm so done dealing with this topic and i can't anymore discuss this" Anushka said getting irritated.

"Look, that's what I'm talking about. You get irritated on the slightest mention of this topic. And what do you mean by that you can't discuss it anymore, have you ever tried to discuss it with us, with your family? Noo... Giving replies to media with that fake smile is not called discussing, Anushka" Ashima Aunty bursted out.

"Ashima, let it be. When she'll be comfortable, she'll talk about it herself. If she doesn't want to talk about it, then don't pressurise her, na..." As always, Her father came to her little princess's rescue.

Anushka conveyed a thanks through her eyes to her papa.

"No, Ajay. I understand that she needed some time to cope with all the happenings. We all gave her space and privacy but it's been more than a month and things are going worse instead of being better. Now, it's enough. She is our daughter and we need to correct her at times. And this is the time"

None of them uttered a word after what Ashima Aunty said. They knew that she was right at her place.

"Mom, What's my fault if I had a hard break-up?
What's my mistake if he turned things so ugly that I had to end our more than 1 year of relationship?
What's my fault if I'm an emotional fool who can't get over things so easily?
And what can I do if the media has nothing better to do than tarnish my image everyday?
Where am i at fault in all this?"

Anushka said with her broken voice, by now her eyes were all glassy and one tear escaped her eyes.

Her brother rubbed her shoulder to calm her down. Her parents heart broke into pieces to see their ever smiling princess going through such a tough emotional phase.

"Anushka, my girl. We know how things went. We know you were nowhere at fault but the way you're letting all this affect your life and career is not done. That's where you're at fault." Her father tried to put things out in the best way possible.

"Yes Anushka, From the past one month, you have barely passed a smile to anyone. Everything has failed to grab your attention. Umm, Other than that shampoo commercial you did a week back, that somehow kept you distracted for three days, god knows how? Seeing you happy and cheerful is a rare sight for us now. You get annoyed and irritated at petty things. You have started confining yourself in a shell. I can't lose my cheerful, energetic and bubbly girl."

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