20. I need a Kiss

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Virat's POV:

"What should I get you Sir?" The bar tender asked as both Anushka and I sat on the bar stools in the club.

"Vodka on the rocks for me" I ordered.

"And for mam?" He asked referring to Anushka.

"Mocktail for her" I said and Anushka smiled at me.

"So you remember that I don't drink?" She asked when the bar tender went away.

"Yes, I remember that you don't drink but only throw alcohol. That too on people" I said playing with my brows.

"Correction. Not on people, only on irritating people" She said smirking and I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Why don't you go and dance? You will enjoy" I suggested as Anushka was scanning the place.

"Nah! I don't feel like dancing today" She replied and I blinked in response.

Our orders were served and we took sip from our respective drinks.

"Okay If not dancing, let's do something interesting" I suggested.

"What is that?" She asked curiously.

"Let's gossip" I said and she looked at me in disbelief.

"So you will gossip with me? Are you kidding? Do you even know how to gossip?"

"Don't underestimate me. I have been brought up in a Punjabi household where more than food, gossips are cooked" I replied proudly and she chuckled.

"Ohh... Then kindly show me your skills, your highness" She said dramatically bowing down.

I looked around for a minute as we continued to enjoy our drinks.

"Look at that boy dancing there" I said pointing towards a guy and Anushka looked in that direction.

"O my god! How's he dancing?" Anushka exclaimed.

"Doesn't he look like a jumping monkey trapped among a bunch of girls?" I said and both of us laughed.

"More like a person suffering from constipation" She added and we laughed more.

"And look at the girl on his right. What's those hairs?" Anushka said with her eyes wide.

As I saw in that direction again, I spotted a girl having rainbow coloured curly hairs and looking absolutely funny.

I almost gasped looking at her.

“Have you seen Malinga? Her hairs looks exactly like him” I commented and both of us laughed continuously.

Suddenly Anushka stopped and her face immediately turned serious.

"But Isn't it wrong to laugh and gossip about people like this?" She asked pretty seriously and I started giving a thought to her words.

Before she again laughed and excitedly yelled "But it's funn" and I joined her too.

And then started our never ending discussions that had nothing to do with us and that made absolutely no senses.

Like how the lights of the club should be even more dim so antisocial people can escape, how the girl standing in the corner should have paired snickers instead of boots with her dress, how the guy's bright red shirt was a big NO for us, how the stripped floor was making us dizzy.

Basically we were gossiping and the fact that Nushkie was feeling at ease was giving me all kinds of happiness. Afterall that's all I wanted.

"Heyy" A feminine voice interrupted our ongoing discussion.

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