15. Did you just flirt with me?

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Virat's POV:
It's been more than a week since we've been in England and we've had an amazing time here so far.

After that team room fun day, the next two days went in hectic practice sessions and then we played two matches in the span of next three days out of which one resulted in our favour while one in theirs.

Anushka has been exploring England during our practice sessions. She saw the matches from her room balcony and the tv set there because that's the most amazing thing about Headingley stadium and it was safe considering media.

Yesterday we travelled to London for our further matches and today is our day off.

“So, Are we going to be in the room all the time? Guys, let's go out” I insisted to the lazy figures who were sprawled on the bed, sofa and floor.

None of them even paid attention to my words and continued whatever they were doing.

“Guysss” I whined and this time they finally looked at me, with a bored expression on their face.

“Why do we have to go out when we have such comfortable beds to rest?” Harry said patting the mattress.

“But we should go around and have an outing” Anushka said and I became happy to have atleast one of them on my side.

“I'm jetlagged so I'm not going anywhere” Ro said.

“We only had a 2 hours flight, that too around 12 hours back, you dumb.” I replied.

“Bhaii...” I tried to get Mahi Bhai on my side.

“Okay, Let's do one thing.” Bhai said sitting straight.

“Whoever wants to go out, raise your hands” He said and I immediately put my hand up.

As I looked around only Anushka had her hand raised while rest of them sat silently.

“Majority wins” Yuzi yelled.

When Bhai saw my face fallen, he said.
“Why don't you two go out together?” He said referring to me and Anushka.

We both looked at each other and I asked her if she's okay with the plan raising my brows, and she blinked assuring that she had no problem.

I was amazed how we could communicate with just our eyes.

“Let me get changed then” Anushka said standing up and moving to her room as we all were in Mahi Bhai's room.

“I'll aslo get going. Byee, laziiesssss” I said stretching the s word intentionally.

“Nikal na” Ro screamed while I showed him my tongue.
I picked up my phone and wallet and locked my room. Moving to Anushka's room, I rang the doorbell.

“Coming” She said from the other side while I waited for her outside.

After 2 minutes, the door opened and Anushka came outside looking beautiful. She had worn a simple top along with loose baggy jeans but she still looked ready to walk a ramp.

“Chale?” She asked breaking my trance and I nodded.

We both walked out of hotel side by side without uttering a word.

“Where are we going?” I asked as we both continued to walk on the busy London street for another 5 minutes.

“Do we really need a destination?” Anushka asked.

“Means?” I asked and she stopped.

“Why not just take a walk around aimlessly? What say?” She asked excitedly.

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