35. You look perfect tonight

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2 weeks later

Anushka's POV:

"Finally, It's done" I sighed tiredly, zipping my suitcase and plopping on my bed.

Being in the movies comes with endless travelling, and with travelling comes the dreaded task of packing. After years of experience, I've grown accustomated to travelling but packing still remains a nightmare for me. My face holds horrors on the thoughts of it and therefore, here I am- totally exhausted before even my trip has started.

Glancing at the wall clock, which showed 5:30, I could hear the birds chirping outside while my eyes were drooping with exhaustion, making me realise I haven't slept a wink last night. Night shoots are the worst, but I don't get to complain. I chose this life for myself and there's nothing apart from acting, that makes me feel more alive and confident.

As I lay back on my bed for a brief break before heading to airport, my phone went off and I turned to the other side to pick it up. A smile crept onto my face instantly seeing his name flashing on the screen.

"Hello" I answered eagerly, contrary to the lazy ass I was being a minute before. His charm never fails to lift my spirits.

"I am not talking to you" he grumbled from the other end, and I furrowed my brow, sitting up.

"What's wrong, Vi?" I asked softly sensing his mood.

He must be shaking his head in response because I didn't hear a word. Pros of knowing him in and out.

"We ain't on facetime Vi. I can't see your gestures" I exclaimed with a soft chuckle.

"Oh, that you can figure out. But it didn't occur to you how upset I'd be knowing the news." he replied huffing and my curiosity piqued.

"What news Vi? The suspense is killing me. Tell me, na?" I urged and he sighed audibly.

"You're coming to Delhi, and I wasn't even aware! How could you!" he asked disappointedly and realisation dawned on me.

"Are baba! I only found out late last night and I didn't had the heart to disturb you early in the morning. So, I planned to drop you a message once I reach." I explained.

"Why would you care about timings to call me? I should be your 24/7 hotline" he insisted sincerely and I chortled a little.

"Consider yourself my 24*7 hotline" I replied, getting up to gather my bags. It was time to move out.

"Where are you staying?" he inquired.

"Taj hotel" I informed him, locking up the house.

"Send me the details of your stay!" he requested and I quickly obliged. Of course, he'd need them to meet up with me.

As I settled into my car, instructing my driver to take me to airport, Vi dropped a bombshell.

"I cancelled your bookings" he announced, and I nearly shouted in disbelief.

"You did what?" I exclaimed, shocked to my guts.

"Just what you heard" he replied so casually that I doubted if I heard him right.

"Why would you do that?" I asked holding my head.

"Because I can't risk my life. And If my family comes to know that you've to stay in a hotel. IN DELHI. They won't spare any thought before chopping my head off my body." he stated and I shook my head in disbelief.

"And why would you even think of booking a room, Nushkie? Delhi is my home and that makes it your too. And nobody stays in hotel when they've home in the same city." his words brought a smile on my face while my hands were now sweating out of nervousness.

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