25. It gave me YOU

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Anushka's POV:

"Yes Maa, I will take care of everything, You guys enjoy" I spoke into the phone.

"Don't fret for me, Mom. I'll be fine" I replied calming her down.

"Okay Bye. I'm out for shopping. And before you warn, No I won't buy any unnecessary stuff. Relax" She chuckled hearing my words and we hung up.

I took a long breath.

How good does it feel to talk to Maa like this..!

Her chuckles, her taunts, her sarcastic attacks, her care - these are so precious and I've realised their worth more in the last 2 month or so.

The last 2 months! Phewww...

These were the strangest 2 months of my life. There was nothing that didn't happen in this duration.

Except for a conversation with him!

Not like I am dying without it.

You sure?

Shut up!

Yes, So I was the busiest since Diwali. And every evening I returned home, I was greeted with silence.

This was the first time in years that we didn't celebrate Diwali. I felt pathetic that my family had to go through this just because of my stupid lie.

Mom-Dad were disappointed and I didn't know how to face them. So there were nights when I cried to sleep.

Kans tried to be there for me but at the end of the day, we were working individuals and I had to manage alone. I tried to engage myself in work.

I was done. I was working like a lifeless structure for all this while and after somehow managing for a week, came the burst out. And it was huge.

I cried clinging to Maa like a baby and wept for God knows how long. I kept apologising which I am sure must be incoherent because of my continuous cries.

I expected her to scold me but when she wrapped her arms around me and secured me like a baby in her lap- that took away all my sorrows in a jiffy. I looked at her and she laughed- reason being my red nose.

Of course, Everything didn't come on track in a day. It took time for Maa-Papa to again be normal but they eventually did.

And I realised no matter how horrible we act with them, they are the softest creatures in the world. And thus they need to be treated with care.

[A/N: Small reminder for all of you to also just go and give a hug to your mumma and papa. Because they deserve]

"Mam, How may I help you?" asked the staff lady breaking my chain of thoughts.

"I need to buy some traditionals for myself" I replied and she nodded with a smile guiding me to the department.

As I walked through the mall, I saw how everything was decorated. Every store, every department was wrapped in a layer of fancy decors.

And It was no Sherlock shit to guess the reason. New year's was around.

We are going to step into another year in a day but what is there for me to be excited about?

I'm all alone in this city trying to keep up with the pace of people and their fast moving lives.

Yeah, poetic much!

Not like I'm sulking, I was the one who literally forced Mom-Dad and Kans to go on a vacation before my idiot of a brother again gets back to work. I would've tagged along, had my dear work commitments left me for sometime.

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