14. Daal Chawal for 50 saal till you die

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Anushka's POV:
The best thing about these foreign vacations is the freedom to roam around everywhere and the worst is the Jetlag which took a whole lot of time to wash off after we landed in England.

We all spent the rest of that day sleeping and resting because we were tired and jet lagged.

The next day, the boys had a team regroup session and I had to meet one of my friend so we carried on with our individual plans.

So far I've been enjoying my time in England. After all that media fiasco, I really wanted to have some time off work.

And being in Mumbai, It wouldn't have been possible. Everytime I went out, they hurled questions like I committed a sin or as if this is the most important topic to be discussed.

These trolls, articles and trends doesn't affect me because I've an option to not give importance to that or to avoid but when the media chases you physically, that becomes too much to handle for me.

Though, To be alone was the last thing I wanted but when none of my family member could manage to come along, I decided for a solo trip.

Just then, Virat's suggestion came as a blessing to me. A trip where I won't have to be alone too.

But still not to invade their space, I would have said no. But when I heard Virat's formal voice and felt how he was talking differently, I said Yes instantly.

I didn't want things to get ruined between us and definitely not because of something as pity as those bullshit articles. Not like there's a thing between us, but whatever progress we had done, I didn't want all that to go down the drain.

And I'm glad we talked out things on the airport and everything was back to normal.

My chain of thoughts broke by a message notification on my phone. It was Virat's message.

Come to the team room. It's a day off and all of us will enjoy there.

Just when I read the message, my face gleamed with excitement. I was earlier fretting about how'll I manage today as I had no plans and here he is, to my rescue again.

I was about to leave and run to the team room before another beep interuppted me.

Stop right there! Ik you
must be already running
to the team room
but wait.

Had breakfast?

How did he know that I'm excited? Am I so obvious or is he some mind reader?

I typed response to his question.


As Expected...!

I'm on my way to your room,
So open the door.


Typing a quick reply I waited for him to come. I was smiling like a fool waiting for him.

“Hey” His voice broke my trance. I looked at him standing on my doorstep with a tray in his hand.

“Oh, Hi” I replied.

“May I?” He asked if he can come in.

“Yes, Sure” I said making way for him inside the room.

“Is this for me?” I asked with shock seeing the huge breakfast plate.

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