9. Picture of the decade

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Anushka's POV:

“You're such a headache. Hate you” Sending the message to him, I sighed tiredly.

Virat is back to Mumbai and we're meeting for lunch today.

From the past 2 days he has sent me names and locations of more than 15 restraunts.

And if by any chance you think he did it being chivalrous then you're highly mistaken. He sent me the names of so many restaurants not for me to pick one but because he is extremely choosy.

He would select a restaurant and then after 15 minutes cancel it and select another. It has been going on since the day I told him about this lunch.

And now when I was finally on my way for the lunch and thought that we're done with him changing the location, he messaged me another new location asking me to come there.

God, I feel so annoyed right now. He can't even choose a place for lunch.

Without even sparing a glance to the message, I forwarded the location to my driver and leaned back on my seat to relax and calm down.

It's only for mom I'm doing this because she being the smart lady she is, would definitely ask for photos and I don't want to give her another reason to doubt me now.

The car halted and my driver informed me.
“Mam, we've reached”

I nodded at him.

“Mam, should I wait for you till you come back?” He asked me.

“No Suresh, I've booked a cab for you so you can go back home. I will drive me back myself. Thank you” I told him with a smile and he left.

Taking the car keys, I stepped out of my car and looked around to find myself standing in front of a huge building.

It didn't look like a restaurant or hotel to me and I wondered if I've reached the wrong location.

I opened my phone and texted Virat.

“I've reached but it doesn't look like a restaurant.”

“Who said it was a restaurant?” He messaged me back almost instantly.

“What? We're meeting for a lunch, right? And what place is this?” I frowned.

“I know you've a lot to ask me but atleast wait to meet me. Now, move inside the building and reach floor number 10” I read the message and sighed annoyingly.

I moved inside and for a second, questioned myself that how can I follow his lead so blindly? How can I trust him and go to an unknown place?

But there was an underlying trust that this is safe for me. Knowing that Virat has chosen the place has somehow took away all my worries and doubts.

And Virat also doesn't seem like a person who would kill someone and hide their body somewhere. Does he?

So, all in all I was safe.

Brushing away all these nonsense thoughts, I pressed the number 10 button in the elevator.

Meanwhile, I looked at myself in the lift mirror. I was wearing a cut sleeve printed top along with a knee length skirt and had paired them with heels. The only makeup i was wearing was my lip balm and had kept my hair down. I blowed a kiss to my reflection.

After the elevator stopped at the 10th floor, I stepped out to find Virat already standing there leaning on the wall, probably waiting for me.

For some unknown reasons, I really liked this small gesture of him waiting for me instead of just guiding me to the destination over call, considering I was unaware about the location.

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