21. I'm Jealous

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Anushka's POV:

When I woke up, my head felt so heavy that I winced in pain. The whole world was spinning around me and I had to held my head with my hand.

"Ahhh! This is unbearable. Why does my head hurts so much"

Just then there was a knock on the door.

"Yes, in" I said in a low voice.

I heard sounds of footsteps coming closer. Though I didn't had it in me, but I still put my head up to look at the person.

And I was surprised to see Virat there with a tray in his hand.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him again holding my head with hands and closing my eyes.

I was shocked to death but my voice came out merely as a whisper because of the horrible pain.

"Good question. But first let's talk about your headache" He said.

"It hurts so bad" I told him and he moved closer putting the tray on the nightstand.

"I know right. Hangover is a bitch" He said and I moved my head so fast that I almost suffered a whiplash.

"Hangover?" I queried and he nodded.

At that very instant I noticed that this wasn't my room. I looked around to see a totally new surrounding.

What is happening?

"Where am I?" I asked almost on the verge of crying.

"Oh no... Please. You can't cry today because, A) it's your special day and
B) you've cried enough yesterday." He reasoned but nothing made sense to me.

I looked at him as if he has grown two horns but not my fault, I wan't getting a word of what he was rambling.

I then tried to remember the happenings of yesterday.

I was sitting at home, Virat gave a surprise visit and the memory instantly made me smile.

We then went to the club and there came Rits and then both her and me had shots when Virat and Kunal were busy in their discussions.

Oh, so this explains this horrible hangover.

"Nushkie, Have this. You'll feel better" Vi said giving me a glass of lemonade along with a pain killer.

I drank the whole glass in a go.

"And for your information, you're at my apartment. So relax" He said easing me a bit.

Oh fish! Mom and Dad must be so worried. How could I be so careless?

I immediately started searching for my phone.

"Don't panic. I informed Kans last night and he assured that he'll handle everything at your home" Vi said and I looked at him releasing a long breath.

"Thank you" I said lowly looking down and I noticed what I was wearing.

I immediately stood up on the bed and looked around only to find my dress discarded on the corner of the bed.

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