31. Mad for you

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Anushka's POV:

"Anushka, my darling" Karan excitedly engulfed me in a tight hug as we entered the party area.

"Didn't he meet you just an hour ago?" Vi whispered in my ear and I replied with a helpless 'it-is-what-it-is' look.

After we broke the news to our families in the morning today, I've been busy with shooting for the whole day.

For the past two days Vi has been here, I couldn't really make time to spend with him because of my packed schedule and I do feel guilty for it.

But now that we've wrapped the shooting in Paris, I'll make sure to make it special for Vi. My man has flied oceans to be with me and that just makes me realise how lucky I'm to be loved by someone like him.

"And look at you, young man" Karan patted Vi's shoulders breaking my trance and I could see Vi trying his best to reciprocate his wide smile.

"Hi Karan" He meekly replied and Karan held both of our arms taking us in.

"I was just waiting for you only" He yelled as it was almost impossible to be audible in that loud blazing music.

"He has been saying the same thing to everyone for the last 2 hours" I heard Ranbir whispering in our ears putting his arms across my neck, looking himself bored.

Vi looked back at Ranbir and as if acting on cue, Ranbir immediately jerked his hand off me. He must've got clues already.

"Let's partyyy guys" Karan's screeching voice interrupted us.

Vi looked at me with puppy eyes signalling towards Karan and I knew he already had enough of this party.

"Karan, somebody is requesting dj to play songs other than that of your movies" I informed and Karan immediately looked in that direction.

"Really? Who is daring to call his death?" He yelled moving frantically towards the dj while the three of us sighed in relief occupying a vacant table.

"Why does Karan need to throw these parties when noone enjoys them?" Vi asked seriously.

"Only God and Karan knows. You're lucky. We've to tolerate these parties so frequently" Ranbir cribbed hitting his head against the table while Virat took a long breath of relief.

"Not so lucky anymore. I'll be dragging you to every party now" I spoke and Vi made a horrified face while Ranbir laughed.

"Now I know you love to torture people. Right, Virat?" I rolled my eyes on Ranbir's remark.

He is delusional to think he is going to get Virat's support.

"I agree. You should've warned me before, Ranbir" Vi replied putting his arm across Ranbir's shoulder and I gasped clutching my mouth.

I blinked my eyes thrice to confirm they were functioning well. And I guess Ranbir suffered the same shock as he choked on his mocktail vigorously while the doer of the unthinkable sat there innocently.

"Ranbir, you okay?" Vi asked rubbing his back and if not before, this was it for me to get an attack.

"I'm okay but Are YOUU okay?" Ranbir's words depicted how startled he was.

"Ofcourse. And mind you, we've a lot to catch-up on." Ranbir looked at me wide eyed on Vi's words while I shrugged my shoulders cluelessly.

" 'We' means you and Anushka right?" Ranbir asked gulping.

"No Ranbir. We as in You and Me." He clarified nonchalantly and Ranbir shook his head in disbelief.

I could see it was taking everything in Ranbir to believe he was not dreaming.

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