23. I'm falling for her

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Note: If any of you haven't watched Virat's live chat with Sunil Chettri, I'll suggest to please watch the last 10 minutes of that interview and I promise you'll understand this chapter and relate the things better.

Anushka's POV:

It was 5:30 in the morning when my alarm went off. I smiled remembering the reason for the early alarm.

'Here starts Vi's special day' I thought before silently making my way out of the room, making sure to not disturb anyone else's sleep.

I opened Vi's room door and saw him sleeping soundly cuddling with Aunty. He looked like he was having such a peaceful sleep after ages. Mom's magic.

I stood there for a while admiring the duo.

I then poked his arm to wake him up but he didn't even move a cell of his body. I tried again and thankfully he opened his eyes this time.

He looked at me curiously rubbing his eyes. I signalled at him to wake up but he just raised his eyebrows in return.

Great, now we can even communicate with gestures!

I again asked him to wake up and this time, he obliged. Getting down from bed carefully, he held my hand and took me out of the room.

"What happened? Why did you wake me up so early?" he asked yawning and I just smiled at him.

Without responding, I held his hand and took him to kitchen with me.

There was 2 packets of Marie biscuit lying there along with Malai (cream that accumulates on top of milk after heating).

"Jaldi uthke Marie sandwich nhi banane kya?" I asked him raising brows and he smiled widely recalling how it used to be a part of his routine back in childhood.

"Who told you about this?" he asked.

"Shhh! No more questions. We'll talk later, first let's do it" I told him and we both started making the biscuit sandwiches.

I mashed the malai while Vi opened the biscuit packets and put them on the tray.

"Nushkie, That's not how it's done" Vi said taking the whisk from my hand.

"Oh Shut up Vi. I am doing it properly" I frowned taking the whisk back.

"It's my recipe so I know better" He again took the whisk back smirking at me while I passed him a hard glare.

"Give it back to me, Vi" I whined to which his smirk grew even wider.

"No way" He said wiggling his brows.

"Okay keep the whisk to yourself. I'm taking the bowl" I said picking up the malai bowl and he scowled.

"Put it back, Nushkie" He said stepping dangerously towards me but I wasn't going to back down.

"I will put it back. But let me do it" I replied and he nodded his head in a no still stepping closer while I moved back.

When I felt the kitchen counter behind my back, I stopped and Vi looked at me smirking.

"Ab tera kya hoga, Anushkaaaa" He teased.

I faked a scared reaction before putting some malai on his face and running to other corner of kitchen.

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