36. Enough Dadi Bua

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[2 things before you read this chapter:

a) you might or might not relate with things written in this chapter but that doesn't change the fact that these things happen. Even if we are progressing, people somewhere has to still encounter such situations.

b) when I write something entirely new, there is a whole damn insecurity that bubbles within. So all I need is a feedback. Do inline comments if you wish, I'm not requesting for that. But a comment at the end of the chapter can surely help for me to know was it worth it or not?

Rest, do enjoy! ]

Anushka's POV:

"Are aliens even real?" I mumbled to myself as I dwelled deep on the very important thought.

Not being able to get any answer to my question, I huffed turning around, to look at the time in my phone.

2:30 a.m.

That 7 hour long nap ruined my already disaster of a sleep schedule. And now laying on the bed, even when all I want is to sleep, my eyes are even refusing to close.

I flipped back only to be welcomed by the most beautiful sight—Virat sleeping like a baby. My hands immediately went to his hairs as I slowly pushed the few locks away from his forehead, allowing my self to take in the beauty of his face as those heavenly lashes were kissing his cheeks.

As I kept stroking his hairs lightly, he slowly stirred in his sleep, opening his eyes and gave me a puzzled look.


"Hmm" I hummed.

"You okay? Any problem? Kuch chaiye?" he spoke all in a go, concern laced in his voice.

[want anything?]

"I'm fine Vi" I assured him with a smile as he creased his forehead now.

"They why ain't you sleeping?" he asked bringing his hand to my cheek.

"Can't! That nap costed me my sweet sleep" I mumbled sadly, pouting like a baby.

"You should've woken me up, love" he exclaimed sitting up, leaning his back on the headboard and pulling me to his chest, drawing patterns on my hand.

We kept sitting in the comforting silence before I heard him asking in his hoarse voice, "you like drives?"

I furrowed my brows on his out of the blue question but nodded my head nonetheless.

"Then let's go for one" he replied, all set to move.

"But you have a shoot tomorrow, Vi! You need sleep" I held his hand, even when I wanted to jump excitedly on the idea and he gave me a smile before continuing.

"I need you more than sleep" he winked flashing his swoon worthy smile and his raspy voice did rest of the work as I sat flushed. "And I see, you ain't getting any sleep and you love the idea as well, so we are going for a drive, that's it" saying this, he jumped off the bed dragging me inside the wardrobe, leaving nothing for me to argue.

Quickly changing into a set of tshirts and shorts, I emerged out to see him dressed in tshirt and joggers now, with keys of his car dangling in his hand.

"Let's go" I announced myself hopping to him excitedly, wrapping my hands around his arms and he chuckled.

"When was the last time you went on a long drive?" he quipped as we moved downstairs.

"6-7 years back" I replied and he looked at me surprised.

"That says, I'm taking you on a long drive every month to compensate, so that whenever anyone asks me who is your partner for a long drive, I can reply in a blink—my girlfriend, for sure" he said opening the door of the car for me as I slid in the passenger seat smiling to myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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