24. Goodbye it is

875 79 81

Mumbai, India

Third person POV:

"What happened Vi? You look troubled" Anushka said looking at Virat for a fraction of seconds.

"Nothing" He replied shaking his head in a no.

She was unconvinced but she couldn't ask further as they were in between of the 'Dhanteras Pooja'.

[Dhanteras is a festival celebrated 2 days prior to Diwali. Lord Ganesha and Goddess Laxmi are offered prayers for the well being and prosperity of family. Generally, A pooja is conducted]

"Prasad" The pandit ji said offering sweets to everyone as the Pooja got over.

"Now, You kids may rest for a while and we will prepare dinner meanwhile." Ashima Aunty said.

All of them were currently present in Virat's apartment in Mumbai.

After celebrating his birthday in Delhi, Saroj Aunty proposed the idea of performing the Dhanteras Pooja at his Mumbai apartment in everyone's presence.

Virat and Anushka had flied back to Mumbai the very next morning, while the rest of the family joined them a day later- on the day of Pooja.

Virat after listening to Ashima Aunty excused himself and went to his room.

Anushka who was keenly observing him noticed how he looked a little lost throughout the Pooja.

She knew there was something bothering or occupying his mind.

Making a mental note of talking to him later in the evening, she made her way to the kitchen.

"Guys, How can I be of some help?" asked Anushka to the Kohli-Sharma family gathered inside the kitchen.

"Anushka, You should rest" Chetna Bhabhi said.

"Yeah, You just came from shoot. You must be exhausted" Ajay Uncle added and rest of them nodded.

"You all also landed hours back in Mumbai. So, you must be tired too. Now, let me help please" Anushka insisted and helped others.

When the dinner was almost ready, Saroj Aunty asked Anushka to call Virat.

She went to Virat's room and knocked twice. On not getting a response she pushed the slightly open door and entered the room only to find it empty.

She looked around the room. It was a beautiful soothing room.

The colour, the furniture, the decor, the vibes- everything screamed of Virat.

"Virat" She called but dead silence in the room worried her.

She looked around and noticed the balcony gate open.

As she reached nearer, she saw Virat standing in the balcony facing the Juhu beach in silence.

He was so lost that he didn't even registered her presence.

She stood beside him and took notice of his face which was blank.

She silently put her hand on his, breaking his trance. He looked at her for a fraction of second before again looking at the sea but not even a single word escaped his mouth.

"Is everything alright?" Anushka asked softly.

Virat hummed in response and there was silence again.

That was so unusual of him and Anushka knew it too. She understood that something must have troubled him to an extent that he is unable to communicate.

"Vi, You can tell me what is bothering you" Anushka insisted caressing his hand.

He stayed silent and she decided to give him space. Both of them stood in silence for couple of minutes before Virat's phone rang.

The Twisted Tale of VirushkaWhere stories live. Discover now