18. Babydoll, Babydoll, Babydoll

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Anushka's POV:

"Let's go" Virat said coming into my room and I nodded picking up my hand bag.

We were checking out of the hotel as it was time to fly back to India.

Even though I was happy and excited to meet Maa- Papa, Kans and Dude but a part of me was also sad that this amazing trip has reached its end and we all will be back to our routines.

The last 2 weeks flew away so fast but when I look back, I had lots of memories to take back. Who knows, Will I ever travel with the team again or not? But I was contented that I enjoyed each and every moment with these crazy fellows.

From that stupid fight with Hardik in the flight, to the truth and dare game, to that best walk with Virat and the amazing match, I had a great time.

"Anushka.." Virat said poking my shoulder bringing me out of my dreamland.


"Where are you zoning out? Are you okay?" He asked.

"It's nothing" I replied as we both walked downstairs.

"You can tell me if there's anything wrong, okay?" He said to me bringing a smile on my face.

"Sure" I replied and we both went to the hotel lobby and joined the rest of the team.

Soon, the team bus arrived and we all went inside the bus. Virat was seated on the window seat and I was about to take the seat beside him when he stood up and beckoned me to take the window seat.

Did he really let me take the window seat? How precious are people like him!

"Anushka" He said when we were halfway to the airport.


"Thank you for coming along on this trip. It really meant a lot to me. Your presence made this trip memorable." He said with his every word depicting pure sincerity.

"Even though, I'm loving this thankful version of yours, but ain't we being too formal, Viiii?" I said emphasising on his nickname trying to hide how overwhelmed I felt on his words.

"The way you say 'Vii', It really feels so good" He said.

"Now that I've a name for you, You must find out one for me soon" I commanded.

"As you say, my lord" He replied dramatically.

“Hey, Where are you going for dinner after reaching India?” I asked him excitedly.

“Huh?” He reacted at the sudden question.

“I was thinking that you can join us at home for dinner if you don't have any prior plans. Afterall, you must be craving for some home cooked food” I clarified.

“Ohh, I would have loved to. But I'll be flying to Delhi as I'm going home” He replied.

“Oh. When'll you be back to Mumbai then?” I inquired.

“No idea. As I usually don't live in Mumbai because either I'm on tours or in Delhi with family. I come there only for shoots or when I need some alone time” He told me and I felt a little sad hearing that.

Him not being in Mumbai meant that we'll not meet for God knows, how long. This thought only made me upset.

Coming out of my thoughts, I realised that the bus had reached the airport.

All of us went inside the airport. We didn't had to wait for long for the flight to take off and we were already on our way back to India.

"Oye" Virat said poking my shoulder. I paused the documentry I was watching and looked at him only to find him looking back at me with a bored face.

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