34. Rohika's lifelong partnership

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Anushka's POV:

As I sat before my mirror, adorning myself with earrings and applying eyeliner- thankfully without messing up this time- I affixed a bindi, completing my look.

After slipping into the chosen pair of heels, I glanced at my reflection one last time, feeling content with the outcome.

"Not bad, Anushka!" I murmured to myself.

I had worn a black full-length anarkali outfit, its simple detailing adding to its elegance. As I twirled my dupatta, memories of a 5 year old me doing the same with Mom's dupatta flooded my mind, bringing a smile to my lips.

Shaking off the nostalgia, I grabbed my car keys and headed out of the house.

It was Rohika's engagement today. And no, we hadn't introduced a new character in our lives but it's the couple nickname for Rohit and Ritika, decided after a fierce debate of two hours.

Options like RitHit, RoTi, RoKa were thrown around, courtesy Harry and Vi, but 'Rohika' emerged as the clear winner.

Vi has been tirelessly busy planning for the event day in and day out. Because, he couldn't trust anyone to perfectly align everything with Ro and Rits's preferences. And honestly, no one objected because it was true.

My phone went off breaking my chain of thoughts and I couldn't help but smile seeing Vi's name flashing on the screen for a video call.

"Hi Vi" I greeted, smiling at the man who manages to make my heart flutter every damn time.

"Hi Nushkie! Have you left for the venue?" he asked putting on a small smile for me.

"Yes, just getting into my car" I replied, unlocking my car and sliding into the driver's seat.

"If you want, I can pick you up or send a driver. I know your driver is on leave" he offered, meanwhile busy searching for something through his cupboard and I smiled at his thoughtfulness.

Despite him being busy and handling a lot of things, he is still well informed about my needs and offered help without me asking. What more could I ask for?

"I'll be fine, Vi. Have you gotten ready?" I asked trying to catch a glimpse of what he was wearing.

"Yeah, Just buttoning up the Kurta." he replied, placing the phone on his dressing table and I gawked at him.

Breaking my trance was his voice. "Nushkie, I'll leave. I need to check for the last minute arrangements, we can't afford any mistakes" he said hastily, sounding worried and occupied.

"Vi" I called and he spared me a glance, waiting for me to continue.

"Stop whatever you're doing and relax for a second" I instructed him with a smile and he paused before sighing and sitting on the bed.

"You know right, It's your best friend's and sister's engagement. Don't you want it to be memorable?" I asked meeting his curious gaze with determination.

"Of course, I do. That's why I want everything to be perfect" he replied.

"The day will be memorable if all of us enjoy it. Ro and Rits won't be happy to see you so worked up, right? Beside, you've already taken care of all the arrangements, so why are you stressing out?" I exclaimed and he closed his eyes, processing my words and taking a much needed break, nodding his head in agreement.

"I think you're right. Let's enjoy their togetherness and make it a night to remember." he said, a beautiful smile adorning his face.

"That's like my Vi" I remarked and he chuckled.

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