11. Cheers to our firsts together

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Anushka's POV:







“Then go and take it also”

“Done... Anything more?”

“No, that's all”

Hearing this, Virat hung up the call.

If you're wondering what were we talking about then let me clear the air.

It's been a week to that eventful lunch we had at Virat's place and yesterday I got a call from an unknown number and It was Mahi Bhai.

He told me that they have signed a jersey and I can take it. When he heard me getting a little puzzled and asked me the reason, I told him how I'm trapped in an extremely hectic schedule.

So, he immediately told me not to worry and that Virat will give me the jersey on his way back to home from practice.

I even heard Virat cribbing behind and that made me chuckle. I tried to protest that I'll manage but Bhai was firm so I gave in.

So, Now Virat is going to come to my shooting location on his way back to his home and thus I had to give him proper instructions to be discreet.

Whenever I think about the lunch last week, a smile automatically makes it way on my face.

It was an amazing day because of the people I met. They all were a close knit family.

I never knew such friendships in professional world is possible. It was more like an eye opener for me that how people can love each other and form a beautiful bond in the professional world too. Because I rarely see that happening in my industry.

They were making fun, laughing, joking around but the love they had for each other was evident in their eyes.

The thing stood out for me was how different their personalities were and still they managed to stick by each other. And all of them obliging Mahi Bhai was the cherry on top.

Virat and Rohit were more like childhood buddies and I couldn't help but adore their bond.

Even I have friends in bollywood but what those guys shared was a whole different equation. A real friendship.

Not only that but the way they included me in their talks and banters was very sweet of them. They didn't let me feel left out even for a moment. They were good people.

Then I remembered how Rohit and the team teased Virat about Rits. I guess she is someone really close to him if all his friends know about her.

When he called her during the car ride and the way he said ‘I love you’ to her, he really meant it. He even was ready to kill a jerk for her. And on the lunch also, he revealed how she loved him in front of us all and was scared about her reaction.

She has to be someone special. Must be the true love of his life.

Then why is he doing this fake dating and all?

Should I ask him?
But we've made a rule not to interfere in each other's lives.

And anyways, how does it even concern me?
It shouldn't bother me but the truth is that it is.

Breaking my chain of thoughts was a knock on my vanity.

“Come in” I said.

“Anushka, Shot is ready” Ritika informed and I nodded making my way to the set.

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