16. He is my Boyfriend

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Third person POV:
When Virat and Anushka both woke up next morning and came across the ruckus created on the internet courtesy their images, they sighed.

Anushka instantly got up from her bed, freshened up and moved to Virat's room. The last thing she wanted was him to feel guilty about this again.

She knocked on his door and he welcomed her in the room.

"Good morning" Anushka greeted him cheerfully.

"I'm surprised that your mood is not ruined after whatever is trending in news" He said chuckling and took a seat beside her on the couch.

"Why should I ruin my day because of something not under my control?" She asked him raising her brows.

"Great then. I was thinking the same" He said and Anushka was happy to see him behave perfectly normal.

"Virat, You're not affected by the media, right? I mean, everything's okay?" She asked him worriedly.

"Everything's perfectly alright. I've made peace with the fact that it's worthless expecting people to respect our privacy, so let them do what they want, we'll do what we want." Virat's words took away Anushka's worries and she took a deep breath of relief.

"Infact, we should be grateful that they couldn't get their hands on the photos where we had done makeovers" He said and both of them burst out laughing.

"True that. That would've been a blunder" She said laughing.

"And there's a plus point of this whole chaos. Now you can come to watch the match in the stadium as the news is already out" Virat said.

"Yes. That's great. I'll have my first live match experience." She said excitedly.

"Have you had breakfast?" He asked her and she shook her head in No.

"Let's order it then" He said and ordered breakfast for both of them.

They both enjoyed the meal together talking about anything and everything.

"Accha, What's you plan for today?" He asked.

"Nothing much. I'm in no mood to go out so I'll be chilling in my room while reading a book. That's pretty much it" She explained.

"Okay. After the practice, the team is going for dinner tonight, Would you like to join?" Virat invited her.

"If that's okay with everyone." She replied.

"Coming to that, they are so okay with you joining us that all of them will be present at your door to drag you with them sharp at 9 pm" He informed and Anushka smiled.

"I'll make sure to be ready to be dragged" She replied and then made her way to her room.

The rest of the day passed with the team busy in their practice sessions while Anushka enjoyed her day in the company of her book and some cups of coffee.

It was exact 9 pm when half of the team gathered outside Anushka's room as per their plan.

Ro knocked on the door being the leader of the crazy troop.

“Just 5 minutes” She replied from the other side of the door.

“Anushka, I don't like people who gets late” Ro said raising his imaginary collars.

“It doesn't look like that you don't like yourself, Ro” She replied and all of them burst out laughing while Ro sulked.

“Yaar, Tu to meri team m thi na” He whined.

The door opened revealing Anushka with a smirk standing there.
“You started it” She replied.

All of them then made their way to the exit of hotel where rest of the team was waiting for them.

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