27. Bol Jaldi varna fek dunga

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Anushka's POV:

The sunrays fell on my eyes and I shifted in my sleep. After trying to block the sunlight and failing, I eventually opened my eyes.

The blue sky came in my view as I rubbed my eyes and I wondered when my room's ceiling changed to this.

I tried to get up when I felt held back by a pair of arms. With surprise, I immediately looked to my left to see the cutest view one can have.

Actually a view only I can have!

I blushed at my own thoughts.

Virat was sleeping with his arms securing me in place while he looked so innocent with that faint smile adoring his face.

I remembered yesterday's evening and felt a burst of joy in my heart. Who thought I'd have the best start to the year when all I planned was for a movie?

When I discovered about my feelings for him, I thought it must be a mere infatuation. But the way I yearned to talk to him or at least have a glimpse of him in the last 2 months, I knew the feelings went much much deeper than attraction.

I couldn't name it but when I heard the man himself confessing it to me and saying the word I was fearing to utter - 'Love', I knew my heart yelled the same emotion for him.

'I love you'

I smiled realising how some words strung by the combination of 26 letters can possibly be the most magical thing I have ever experienced.

And the way the confession happened- for someone this might feel 'not so grand' but I won't ever have it any other way. I've always been a person for whom small things matter. It was all I craved for whole my life.

A simple, pure, straight from heart confession where the grand setup or the extraordinary decors doesn't make it perfect but the feeling of love shines the brightest and make it magical.

The evening couldn't have been better. Just the two of us, sipping juice and enjoying pasta, leaning on each other's shoulder, dancing and humming the slow romantic tunes, expressing what we felt in our hearts and then ended up sleeping cuddling with each other.

I looked at Vi and realised how this man sleeping right here has made me the happiest girl and has no clue about it.

"Is it legal to look this devilishly handsome, Mr. Dapper?" I muttered slowly removing the hairs falling on his forehead.

I smiled looking at him. Crazy man.

My man!

"Why does it feels like a dream? A beautiful dream" I sighed contentedly.

"This dream is our reality, Mr. Dapper's gorgeous girlfriend" I heard Vi's voice as he opened his eyes and flashed his contagious smile.

"You were awake all this while?" I said embarrassed and he chuckled.

"Can't afford to miss these compliments now, Can I?" He winked pulling me more closer as I felt heat rushing to my cheeks.

His hoarse voice was not helping my case either.

"Will you let me go, now?" I asked looking into his eyes with my voice barely a whisper

"Never" He replied sincerely tucking a loose strand of my hair behind my ear and I finally rested my head on his chest.

"This is the best morning I've ever had" He said softly stroking my hairs as I held his shirt smiling to myself.

"Mine too" I replied covering ourselves more with duvet as chilly breeze of January graced us.
"Nushkieeee" He screeched and I immediately brought my hands back realising I'm again caught.

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