3. Odd Requests

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We pulled up in front of a hotel nearly a half an hour drive from where I lived. I got out of the car behind them and let them lead the way. It wasn't a cheap hotel. I could tell by the fancy sign of the hotel name everywhere and the large and blindingly bright chandelier in the lobby. It wasn't often that I was brought to a hotel for a night with someone, but those hotels were nothing compared to this.

It was only when we were inside the brightly lit building, did I note the kind of clothes the men wore. I knew I wasn't wearing the latest style, but my clothes looked like rags compared to theirs. Their clothes looked like they were taken straight out of the pages of a fantasy book with knee-high boots, high collars, even the one-shoulder cape. I was staring so much at the embroidery on Mr Mask's sleeve that I nearly walked right into Mr Dreads' back when he stopped to press the button for the elevator.

I could tell he noticed I'd been staring, but he did nothing but give me a closed-mouth smile, then proceeded forth once the doors slid open. I got in behind him and in front of Mr Mask. Could men that could afford to stay in this kind of hotel really need a prostitute off the street? That didn't make much sense to me, but as long as they were going to pay me, I wouldn't ask questions. I didn't have a problem with playing dumb, deaf or blind in some situations.

We rode the elevator up to the highest floor and got off. I let them lead the way, walking down the corridor behind them until they stopped at a door they had to scan their hand on to get into. There was a number pad, but I had a sneaking suspicion that they had purposely not used it because I was with them.

They both gestured for me to enter first. I almost didn't want to once I saw how clean the inside was, but I went in anyway, taking off my dirty and worn shoes near the door when I noticed the shoe cabinet. I didn't have one at my house.

I could hear noises. More people? The further I walked into the suite, the more I recognized it as the sound from a TV. The large TV was the focal point of the living room. But my focal point was the small boy curled up half-naked on the couch. Could I really call him a boy? I couldn't tell how old he was supposed to be. He just looked so small curled around one of the cushions.

Mr Dreads brushed past me, shook his head upon seeing the boy and took the cushion away from him. With ease, he picked him up and took him away down a hallway off to the left.

"So, where do you want to do this?" I asked.

"Are you clean?" Mr Mask asked me.

"I'm not carrying anything. Are you?" I asked. Shouldn't he have thought about any possible diseases before picking me up and taking me to his place? STDs weren't very common, but I doubted anyone wanted whatever strain of one.

"My kind are immune to human illnesses, so I don't care about what you may be 'carrying'. I meant of any mind-altering substances," he said, removing his cape and hanging it on one of the hooks on the wall near the entryway. "Come." He started to unbutton his vest as he left the room, going down the hallway to the right.

I meant to follow him, but my feet felt glued to the floor. Immune to human illnesses? Yep. Definitely not human. It wasn't like non-human beings were strangers on Earth, but if I was going to have sex with one, I'd like to know what he was. He could produce tentacles out of nowhere for all I knew. I wasn't one to judge because I'd seen enough animated porn, but mental preparation was needed.

"I wouldn't be able to pass a drug test, but I haven't taken anything tonight," I admitted. "If you want me to..." I didn't want to. "It'll cost you more."

Sometimes the men I slept with wanted me a bit more compliant, so they'd give me a pill, a blunt, a line, or anything else they had. Sometimes I took it, sometimes I didn't, sometimes it was the only way I'd get through the night without going insane or getting scared and bailing.

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