12. Test Day

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Aubyn and I didn't get to talk about any plans I needed for language learning. I was stuck on the revelation that the little human brat and the stern vacura were actually married. For the entirety of dinner, I could do nothing but watch them and inhale slice after slice of pizza until my stomach couldn't hold anymore.

Sang and Milan didn't act like I would have expected a married couple to be. I could have sworn I heard Sang threaten to kill Milan earlier too. That wasn't something I expected lovers to do. I expected more kissing and touching and being all over each other. All they seemed to do was sleep in the same bed. How old was Milan anyways? He acted like a child. A child that didn't know how to read or write.

More and more questions plagued my mind the entire night. I felt even more guilty than usual sleeping in Aubyn's bed since all I could think about was how he was the third wheel of a married couple. It did make me feel a little better knowing that Sang and Milan were married. It meant that Milan and Aubyn couldn't really have anything going on between them. Unless they were swingers, which I highly doubted if only because of Aubyn's views on casual sex and his alluding to Milan's jealousy.

Sang must have been pulling my leg telling me that. How could a child that didn't even know how to read or write get married? Ridiculous. But not impossible.

Even though I fell asleep with the doubt that what Sang had said was true, I found it hard to rest. I kept waking up and doubting myself, then doubting him, then doubting myself again wondering what was true and what wasn't. I didn't know why it was bothering me so much. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that I wanted to know more about my alien roommates and their relationship with each other. Maybe it was just curiosity.

I stayed up too late mulling over something that wasn't even any of my business and ended up having to be shaken awake the next morning.

"Zedikai, you need to get up if you plan to eat breakfast before we leave."

I groaned and rolled over, pulling the blankets with me. "I'll skip it."

"That is not an option. Breakfast is important, especially since you have an exam. You need brainpower for today. Get up."

I wanted to flip him off so badly, and so my sleep-addled mind prompted my body to do so before common sense could catch up. I hated having my sleep interrupted, but if I couldn't see his face, then I didn't have to see what expression was on it. I nuzzled more into the warm pillow, but the sheets were ripped off me suddenly, exposing me to the chill of the room.

"Aubyn!" I sat up and threw a pillow in his direction.

Aubyn caught the pillow looking none too pleased with my behaviour. "Did you really just give me the middle finger? Why are you so cranky this morning?"

I groaned and lay down, hugging the remaining pillow. "I'm not a morning person."

"You are behaving like a child. Get up, or I will have to make you."

"For fuck's sake. Just... five more minutes," I begged, closing my eyes.

"Zedikai, do you remember what I said about what I would do if you did something I did not like?"

"You'd... punish me?" I asked, recalling our conversation. "I'll write lines later. 'I must wake up on time'."

Aubyn's hands grabbed onto my ankles and with one swift tug, I was sliding across the mattress to the end of the bed. My eyes flew open, but not even grabbing desperately at the sheets couldn't help me. I was quickly thrown over Aubyn's shoulder, and after I spent a few seconds admiring his ass, I started to panic because he was marching with determination towards the bathroom.

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