21. Broken Bones

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I couldn't tell how far I ran before the pain had me slumping against a tree. My head was spinning and truthfully, I was surprised I had gotten as far as I did. I was closer to the playground I'd gotten drunk in than I was to Peter's house, and since I hadn't heard anyone come after me, I assumed I was safe for the time being.

I must have looked like shit. Someone had even asked if I was alright, but I couldn't bring myself to answer. I didn't know if I could make it back to the convenience store, so I needed to call Aubyn and quickly because I felt as if I really would pass out.

Taking my phone out of my back pocket, I went to my contact list to look for Aubyn only to see he'd texted twice to check in on me. He was at the top of my contact list. My thumb hovered over his name, but I couldn't bring myself to tap it. I hadn't wanted Aubyn to come to Peter's with me because I hadn't wanted him to see just how bad things were between me and my father. If I called him to get me, he'd see me hurt and looking like a mess. I'd been punched, slapped, and kicked before, but never had I ever gotten beaten to this extent.

I slid down the tree and scrolled down my contact list to find Rikki. I promised myself that I would never involve her in my shit, but I couldn't make it any further on foot and I needed to get out of the neighbourhood before Jeff or Peter found me. I didn't know if they were going to come looking for me, but I didn't want to find out. Sitting on the side of the road, I was too exposed.

"Hey, babe," Rikki answered cheerily.

"Baby Girl, I need your help." Fuck, it hurt to speak.

"Sure, what is it? You don't sound so good."

"R...Remember when you... you p-promised to be here for me when I needed you?" I asked, leaning my head back against the tree. "Well, I need you."

"What can I do? Are you in trouble?"

I closed my eyes and sighed, pooling tears making my eyes burn. She sounded so frantic. "Sort of. I can't talk much right now. I'm going to send you my location. Come as soon as you can, please. I wouldn't be asking this of you if it wasn't important."

"Should I bring anything?" she asked. Sudden rustling on her end let me know she was on the move already.

"A first aid kit would be nice, and some painkillers. Strong ones. Hurry, please."

"Yes, yes. Just hang in there. Wait for me, alright? Just... wait, please."

I hung up and sent her my location. I couldn't move anymore. Everywhere hurt so badly and I just wanted to close my eyes. I wanted to rest, but it wasn't going to be easy since I was uncomfortable and aching. I felt as if I was swimming in and out of consciousness, but thankfully, Rikki's face came into view not long after.

"A first aid kit? Fuck, Zed, you need a hospital!" Rikki looked hesitant to touch me. "There's so much blood." Her lower lip trembled, and tears came to her eyes. "Zedikai... what do I do? Ambulance. We need to get you to a hospital."

"No. I'm fine. Rikki I..." I reached out to her with my good hand to get her attention because all she could do was stare at the blood I could feel drying on my face. When her eyes focused on mine, I continued. "I need a place to stay for the night. Please."

"But your face..."

"I got hit a couple times and I hit my head. It looks worse than it is, Baby Girl, please. I can't sit here for much longer. I need to move." Of course, I was lying, and she could always tell when I was. However, I wasn't sure she was thinking straight at the moment.

Rikki helped me to my feet, taking most of my weight like a champ because I felt nearly useless to myself. She helped me into her car with my bag a few feet away and started driving. I could only hope she would listen to me because I needed to close my one good eye for a while, hoping that I'd be lucid enough to get out once we got to where she was headed.

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