10. Study Day

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Milan didn't bother me. I thought he would be spiteful by turning the TV up when I set up to study, but he did the opposite. After working for an hour, Milan came over to sit at the table with a plate of toast and a glass of water in hand. He looked to be interested in the material I had been pining over, but didn't ask any questions, just watched me.

I was so deep into my Strategic Management textbook that I was surprised when my phone started vibrating next to me. When I glanced at the screen, it was only Rikki. No surprise there. Even if Jeff had called, I had already screened any notifications from him, so I wouldn't have received anything.

"Hey, Baby Girl," I answered, leaning back in the chair.

"Hey, Babe, where are you?" Rikki asked.

"At a friend's house." If I told her where I was, she would want to come to see me. Seeing as Sang had already warned me about having anyone I know show up at the hotel, I couldn't risk her knowing where I was. She would want to check on me in person for sure.

"Vague answers again, I see. Are you safe?"

"Yeah. I'm actually studying. I should have given you a call earlier, but I forgot."

Even though I lied to her all the time, Rikki knew something wasn't right with me. I could be as careful as I wanted with my words, but as Sang had reminded me at breakfast, there were physical signs that I couldn't hide. Rikki could tell that my life outside of school wasn't all that great. It was why I imagined she insisted on buying me food, helping me study, and checking up on me even when she knew I'd just continue to lie and say that I was fine.

"You don't need to be worried about me." I spun my pen between my fingers. "I probably won't show up to school aside from on exam days though. We only have a few more weeks to go anyway and I'm a bit preoccupied with life at the moment."

"As long as you're alright and you're studying to get this last stretch over with, then I guess it's fine." She sighed heavily. "I don't mean to be stifling or anything, but can you text me every now and then to let me know you're alright?"

I smiled. "Yeah," I agreed. "And I'll bother you whenever I don't understand what I'm reading because you are so much better at academics than I am."

"Just make sure to keep in touch with me. If you go silent for too long, I'll worry. You know I'm just a phone call away if you need anything."

Rikki was too good. I didn't need to pull her into my crap. I was already staying with two aliens and their pet human for now in a last-ditch effort to save my own ass. She didn't need to be dragged into the details of how my life was.

"Of course," I responded.

"I gotta go for now, but remember, the Strategic Management exam is tomorrow. Don't forget. I could pick you up if you want."

"I won't forget, and... I'll call you if anything."


"Bye." I dropped my phone on the table with a sigh after hanging up, being suddenly reminded that Milan had been sitting at the table with me the whole time. "What?" I asked. He was staring.

"Nothing," he answered, nibbling on the corner of his toasted bread. "I didn't think you had any friends."

"You don't like me, do you?"

"Not really."

I crossed my arms over my chest. I was only going to entertain conversation because I needed a break. "Why?"

"You're worrying my brother."

"Your brother?"

"Aubyn. I don't like seeing Aubyn upset, and you make him upset. So, no, I don't like you."

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