13. Prey To Bad Habits

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I wasn't looking forward to the end of testing like I was before. It was my last hurdle before graduation, but it also meant I would be out of the hotel and back on the streets. I would have to face Peter again and hope he didn't find another reason to kick me out early.

I liked staying at the hotel. I wasn't being spoiled. Sang insisted on me making myself useful, so it wasn't because of anything like that. It was because being there made me feel as if my life with Peter and Jeff was already a thing of the past. I hardly thought about them while I was surrounded by two aliens and a human that didn't like me very much. But I had to go back to my reality at some point. In the meantime, I was going to enjoy my last few days.

"Your blood test came back with traces of cocaine and nicotine," Aubyn said. "Your results are better than I imagined. You have anaemia, low vitamin D levels, and high sodium levels. Dr Stanley recommended you start taking vitamin D, C, and iron supplements. I truly thought I would find more drugs in your system. At least a higher percentage."

"You think I'm that bad?" I asked with an exaggerated gasp. "I'm offended."

"You get shakier the longer you stay here, so I assumed you were going through withdrawal of some sort. I thought you might be addicted to something you shouldn't be."

Sex, I wanted to say, but I didn't. It was a completely viable option. I only leaned on drugs and smoked when I was bored or not getting enough sex, and since being at the hotel, I hadn't gotten any action. I hadn't even touched myself. If I was shakier than usual, it had to be because I was becoming touch starved.

Aubyn's eyes scanned the screen of his tablet from where he was reading the results. "You did not tell me you smoke by the way. When was the last time you had a cigarette?"

"A few days ago. I have a bit of an oral fixation."

"A bit? Is that why you bite your nails?"

I narrowed my eyes at him and embarrassingly stuffed my hands under my thighs. "I hardly ever do that anymore. When did you see me do that?"

"In the car yesterday when you were staring at me. Many of our habits are things we do without giving them a second thought or without realizing it. You bite your nails. I would advise you to stop smoking. It is not commonly done in Downton Isles and if you become too dependent on it, being away from it when you move will be very hard on you."

I nodded. "I'll keep that in mind. Uhm... did anything else show up in my blood test?"

"Nothing too concerning. Why? Is there something Dr Stanley needs to look out for?"

Yes. "Nope. Just wondering."

Aubyn offered to take me to school for my next exam. This time, he said he had nothing to do, but didn't mind sitting in the car and waiting for me to finish. I kept wondering if he was really trying to be helpful or trying to make sure I didn't run off somewhere without speaking to him first.

The exam was a breeze compared to the Strategic Management one. I barely got to see Rikki because we shared no other exams, but I got to wish her luck just as she was running into hers when I was getting out of mine.

I looked around for Aubyn's rental car and headed towards it once I exited the building. I wanted to get back to the hotel and brush up on the last subject I had an exam for. It was the easiest, so I doubt I'd be doing much, but it wouldn't hurt to look over the material once more.


The sound of my name being yelled sent chills down my spine. I recognized that voice, but it sounded out of place at my school. It was Jeff who looked like he just rolled out of bed. Seeing as it was nearly noon and he worked at night, he wasn't even supposed to be awake. He had never shown up at my school before.

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