Soulmate AU (Old Version - Being Redone)

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Hey! So, uh, I got this prompt from pinterest to where there is a black stain where your soulmate will touch you, and once they do, it turns a bunch of colours. - credits link. 

This will be a Time x Sabre ship chapter thing. Also, I might do a version of this where is reader x *insert character*, but instead of me picking the character, I'll let you guys choose the character! Comment or message me what character you guys want, and I'll do the one with the highest requests. If some are really close, I'll do multiple versions, and each will have a differnet plot (I think)!

Requests are open still, so do what you wish with that. 


I sigh, glancing at the black stain that's on my right shoulder. I just want it gone. I just want to know who my soulmate is, if I even have one. Of course I have one, if I didn't, this black stain wouldn't be here. I sigh, and swing my legs back and fourth over the dock, the sounds of the crashing waves of the ocean and the bustling of the Orange Steves in the Orange Kingdom calming me. 

Sometimes, I wish I could just pause time in place and enjoy the moments of peace without the world being in peral shortly after. Though, my wishes go unnoticed, as every short moment of peace we get, we recieve a hell hole of a villian stronger than the last. I look back to when we thought just small darkness groups were the main issue. When Orange Steve and I-

I wince at the pain from the memories that come with that name. Orange Steve and I went through so much, and then he became the third Hero, the third Rainbow Steve, and we went through even more trouble to where he just. . . broke. I wonder if any of the previous Hero's before him did the same thing. We know that Void Steve is the first Rainbow Steve, but what about the second Hero? All that's really known about him is that he was once a Red Steve. 

"Sabre?" A soft, calm voice calls, breaking me out of my painful thoughts and memories. 

"Oh, hey Time," I respond, but not looking away from the crashing waves of the ocean. 

"Are you okay?" he asks. 

"Yeah. Hey, have you had any luck on finding your soulmate? I've heard a lot of other Steves have found theirs recently, and I was wondering if you found yours yet," I ask, once again not looking at him. 

"No, no luck yet. How about you?" Time asks me. 

I chuckle. "I'm starting to believe mine's dead and won't find me till I die," I mumble, trying to make a joke. I don't think it worked. 

"I'm sure your soulmate isn't dead, Sabre. Maybe they're just playing hard to find, or it just isn't the right TIME," Time says, making another time joke. 

He puts his hand on my shoulder, right where the black stain is, and a white glow happens from his touch. We both look at where the glow is coming from, and the black stain on my shoulder is now changing between the colours of the rainbow. 

Wait, Time is my soulmate?!

My eyes go wide, along with his. We turn to each other, and his palm is also changign between the colours of the rainbow. We look into each other's eyes, and we hug.  We back from the hug, and Time crushes his lips onto mine, and fireworks go off in my body. I gently close my eyes, and I feel his eyelashes on my cheeks. 

The kiss lasts until we run low on oxegyn. We back from the kiss, and rest our foreheads against one another. Our breath mixes together, both of our breathing fast, but slowly calming. We both close our eyes, and we relax from each other's presence. 

"We're soulmates," Time mumbles. 

"Yeah," I whisper. 

"I love you, Sabre," Time softly whispers, so quite to where I almost can't hear it. 


"I love you too, Time," I respond.

He looks into my eyes and we kiss once again. 

Internally, I do a little happy dance. 

I found my soulmate. 

And it's Time Steve. 




I have no comment on this. I might re-do this later, but this was pretty rushed, ngl- this is trash. This is the result of low motivation, no ideas, no will to write, but the urge to commit to the schedule I made. Tomorrow's chapter should be better than this was, my only issue is...

I have no ideas on what to do. 

I used all my ideas already- I've resulted to google for prompts...

Please, give me prompts or just any ideas. I really wanna continue updating this, but I just don't know what to write. 

Anyways, I'ma go and try find even the smallest idea for tomorrow's chapter. Which, tomorrow is a double upload day where I'm gonna be making a new chapter for this and publish a chapter in Lost Memories! Whoo!

Have a good day/night/afternoon/ whatever time it is for you.

~ Unicorn

FavreMySabre SCU One Shots [Requests Closed]Where stories live. Discover now