Something Just Like This Pt 4

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Woooo, part four to Something Just Like This!

There will be a part five, but it's gonna be a bit more angsty, because I have an idea :)

This chapter, however, is pure fluff.

Enjoyyyy! :D


~ Sharp's PoV ~

I walk through the Red Kingdom, heading towards the meeting spot that Goggles, my lovely amazing boyfriend, told me to meet him. I smile the whole way there, just thinking  about him makes me happy, makes me smile. Gosh, I love him. I hope he knows that, that I love him. I'll tell him that every chance I get if I have to- I mean, I already do that as it is. Heh. 

As I make my way through the kingdom, people wave and say hi to me, but I unintentionally  zone them out, mainly thinking about my boyfriend and what this surprise could be. I hope it's nothing bad, though that is unlikely. I don't think he'd do something like that, it's out of his nature. 

As I pass the Academy to reach the path that Goggles told me to meet him at, I run into Colle, who is looking quite panicked. Worried, I rush over to him, snapping out of my thoughts about my amazing boyfriend. Colle is like a brother to me, I don't like seeing him panicked. 

"Colle? Hey, hey buddy, is everything okay?" I ask, gently putting my hand on his shoulder. He quickly turns to face me. He looks as though he had a very bad nightmare, or just saw his worst dread. Does he even have a worst dread? I don't know, I mean, I know he has fears, but does he have a worst fear?

"Oh- Sharp! Hi- yeah, uh, everything's fine," He quickly says, and I can tell that he's trying to hide something. 

"Oh, alright bud, but if there's anything you need, feel free to ask," I tell him, and he nods.

"Thank you, Sharp."

"You're welcome, Colle."

I continue on my way to the path, and when I reach there, I gasp in awe. Lining the pathway are candles, the flame illuminating light against the darkening blue of the sky as the day turns to dusk, and then to night. On the path are small ducks, both live and drawings with sparkles. Awhh, he incorporated my favourite animal, how sweet. 

 I walk down the path, making sure not to step on any of the ducks. They're just so adorable, I can't help but pet some of the ducks off and on. As I continue down the path, I can't help but admire the ducks, along with all the effort that was put into this. When did Goggles find the time to even make this? I thought he was doing experiments all day. I guess he found some time to work on this, and I love it. Gosh, I just love him so much. 

 After a ways down the path, I pick a duck up. My duck now.


~ Goggles' PoV - During the first part of this chapter ~

I finish making the glitter ducks, and I move the last duck into place. Now all I need to do is wait for my darling sharp to walk down the path, and then I can finally ask the question that I've prepared myself to ask. I've even practiced reciting asking it alone in my spare time. 

I hope he likes the surprise and the path. I know he likes ducks, so I just had to incorporate it into this somehow. I wouldn't be surprised if he choses to take a duck home with us, so in preparation, I already have a little area made for multiple ducks. Who knows, maybe we'll bring home multiple ducks, I wouldn't mind. 

While I wait, I recite what I plan on saying, attempting to get rid of the nervous stutter. I doubt it'll go away though. What if he says no? What if this was all for not? 

No. I can't think that way. I must remain hopeful for my lovely Sharp. 

Sharp is just so amazing, just so lovely, just so perfect. I'm so lucky to call him my boyfriend. I would do anything for him. Anything. 

Before I get too lost into my thoughts, I hear the crunch of gravel. 

Sharp is almost here.

~ Sharp's PoV ~

As I reach what I believe is the end of the path, more candlelight can be seen through the branches and leaves of the oak trees that surround both the path and the end of it. It's almost completely nighttime now, the only thing allowing me to see is the light from the candles. As long as they don't go out, I should be able to find my way.

A few moments later, I reach the end of the path, and I gasp in awe. Surrounded by candles is a small enclosed area, which has a small pond, which is full of ducks, a few benches, a blanket on the ground, which has a picnic basket by it. Best of all, there's Goggles by the pond, facing me with a smile on his face. 

"Goggles!" I happily shout, setting the ducks in my arms down, and then run to him, my arms engulfing him in a hug. He hugs my back, wrapping his arms around my waist. I shove my head into his chest, giggling. He chuckles, which makes me smile even more the I already was. 

He slowly backs out of the hug, and takes my hand. I look at him curiously. 

"Sharp?" He asks. 

"Yes, Goggles?" I respond.

"I uh, I have something to ask you," he says, his tone wavering a little. 

He's nervous. 

"Yes, Goggles? What is it?" I gently ask.

He leads me to a spot that I didn't notice, and I once again gasp in awe. It's a small hilled area that overlooks a flower forest, which has a pond, which is also filled with ducks. 

"awwwhhhh," I say, and he chuckles.

"I knew you'd like the ducks," he says, and I laugh.

"How'd you find so many ducks?" I ask.

"I didn't, I cloned some," he says, and I give him a questionable look. 



He turns me to face him, and slowly gets down on one knee, still holding me hand. I don't even have time to gasp, happy tears start to run down my face. He's-

"Sharp, I love you, and we've been dating for a while, so I figured that it's time to take the next step. Would you do the honor and make me the happiest man ever, will you marry me?" 

Silent, happy tears run down my face as I take in this moment. Goggles, my lovely amazing perfect boyfriend is asking me to marry him. To become his husband. The amount of happiness I feel right now is indescribable. Gosh, I love him just so much, I don't know what to say. 

Oh wait, I do know what to say. 

"Yes! Yes, yes, a million times yes!" 

He instantly smiles and puts the ring on my hand. I smile, unable to hid my happiness, happy tears still running down my face. He stands up and kisses me. I can't believe it, we're engaged!

We back away from the kiss, resting our foreheads against each others. 

"So, when should the wedding happen?" Goggles asks, and I giggle. 

"Soon. Doesn't need to be a big thing, just something with our close friends."

"Anything for you, my love."



Yes, wedding is happening in part five, but that's not the only thing..

if you caught it, there was a lil thing i mentioned in this chapter to help make part of the next part make a bit more sense, heheh

no spoilers though, but my goal is to have the chapter be published either today or tomorrow. 

hehehehe :D

~ Unicorn

Published March 15, 2023

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