*Rewrite* Anything For You ~ BlueBow

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Hey guys! This is the first rewrite of this book! I felt like this one desperately needed a rewrite, and here it is! Also, progress is being made on Soulmates AU. It's taking a while, but I'm working on it when I feel like it.

Anyways, enjoy this rewrite of Anything For You ~ BlueBow!

~ Rainbow Steves POV ~

Blue Steve and I look down upon the burnt village that Blue Steve used to call home. While we were coming after Nightmare Steve, he got here first. He wreaked havoc upon the innocent Steves. We were too slow, too far behind to fully catch him. If I could teleport, we would've gotten here on time. But I can't.

"You fool. You're useless. Weak. Unworthy. You were supposed to save the Steves, and yet you failed your job, your purpose. You shouldn't be here. It should've been you instead of those innocent Blue Steves. Now, your friend will hate you. You and your pathetic life," a dark voice rages through my mind.

"R-Rainbow, we should check for survivors, shouldn't w-we?" Blue Steve asks, unsure. I tune out the voice in my head and turn to see Blue Steve staring at the village, er, what remains of it. His blue hair wisps in his face, obscuring it from my view. But from his voice, I can tell that there are tears running down his face. Ones that I'm sure he tried to hide from me.

"It might be too dangerous. Nightmare Steve might still be here, and we'll never know. At least here, in the forest, we're covered. Nightmare Steve can't see us if he's looking from above, but if we go to the village, we'll have nowhere to hide," I try to reason with Blue, along with the voice in my head that won't shut up.

"I don't care! W-we, or at le-least I, sho-should see if there a-are survivors. This is my f-f-fault. I-If I never left, this w-wouldn't have happened," Blue Steve gets out, before his tears overtake him.

He falls to his knees, his tears freely flowing down his face. I stand there, having a fight in my mind. I tune out the voice and I walk over to Blue Steve. I don't care what the voice says, I don't care if it'll try to blame me for the destruction. It is my fault, in a way, but that doesn't matter right now. Right now, what matters is that Blue Steve is comforted and okay. Nothing else.

I hug Blue Steve, and he melts into my embrace. He rests his head on my shoulder, crying into it. He wraps his arms around my torso, and I rub comforting circles on his back. He silently cries, and I sit here, comforting him to the best of my abilities. I whisper reassuring words into his ear as an attempt to calm him and give him some comfort.

He mumbles and whines when he's not just silently sobbing. Without thinking, I gently kiss the top of his head. He goes stiff and stops crying. He lifts his head off my shoulder, a rosy blush dances across his cheeks. I smile softly. Blue Steve looks into my light blue eyes, and I look into his ocean blue ones. I do something again, without thinking.

I kiss Blue Steve.

~ Blue Steves POV ~

My eyes go wide as Rainbow Steve and I kiss. I gently close my eyes, and I kiss back. I don't know if I'm doing it right, as this is my first kiss- wait. He stole my first kiss! Well, it's not like I wanted it to be with anyone else anyways...

Rainbow Steve pulls away, and I gaze into his eyes. He gazes into mine, and lifts a hand to my face. He gently rubs his thumb across my cheek, smiling softly to himself.

The wind blows past us, colder than it was before. I look to the sky to see it's already night time. The stars shine brightly, illuminating the only natural light nearby. They twinkle and dance across the dark blue sky. The moon, which is full tonight, shines the brightest, but twinkles the least. Its grey hue shines wherever it can reach.

"How long was I crying into his shoulder?" I ask myself.

"Blue, we should find somewhere to stay for the night. We're more vulnerable out here where we can barely see. And besides, I didn't really plan to freeze to death tonight," Rainbow Steve says, and dramatically shivers. I laugh, something that's been rare lately.

I nod, and he stands up. He leans down and offers me a hand, which I take. He, surprisingly, pulls me up easily, even though I'm taller, and he isn't the strongest physically. Though, his powers are stronger than mine. Well, stronger than what mine used to be. I don't really have them anymore..,

I'm yanked out of my thoughts, literally, as Rainbow Steve all but drags me through the forest in search of a cave big enough for us to hide in, but not too big where it's easily noticeable by Nightmare Steve. Though, he can just sense where we are anyways, but this does protect us from Dark Steve as well.


We found a cave after thirty minutes of searching. The moon is now more noticeable, no longer hidden by the lush leaves of the forest. I finish lighting the cave up with torches, and I turn around to see that Rainbow Steve is all done unpacking our few belongings.

Rainbow Steve lays on a thin woolen blanket on the stone floor of the cave. Another thin blanket covers him, keeping him slightly warm. He uses my blue hoodie as a pillow. He looks up at me and smirks. He motions for me to join him, and so I do.

I lift the top thin blanket up, and scooch in, resting behind Rainbow Steve. I lay on my side, and so did he. I keep a small distance between us, to give him room. He moves so he's flush against me. I blush slightly, not expecting this from him. He tries to get comfortable, and huffs in defeat. He turns around so he's facing me, and tucks his head under my chin. I use my arm that I'm laying on as a pillow, and I gently bring my other arm over his torso in a protective manner.

Rainbow looks up at me, and I look down to meet his gaze. He lifts his head up and kisses my cheek, making me blush more than I already am. He stares into my eyes once again, his thumb grazing over my cheek.

"Blue Steve," he whispers.

I hum in response.

"Try to get some sleep tonight. If you have any nightmares, remember, I'm here for you," he mumbles, barely being able to keep his eyes open. He yawns, and I coo softly at the sight.

I gently rub his red and orange bangs out of his face, and he closes his eyes softly. I whisper one last thing before his soft snores fill the silent cave.

"Anything for you."

Lots of fluff lately, and I love it. I've had this one finished for a bit, but I wanted to finish and publish the requests before this one. I really like how this turned out, and I'd say it's better than the original. It might be a bit till the next update since midterms are coming up, and I have no other chapter fully planned out, plus I'm trying to write chapter 7 of Lost Memories and plan Soulmates AU. Anyways, it's getting late as of I'm posting this, so I'll see you in the next chapter.

Also, requests are still open. If you have a request, don't be afraid to ask me to write it. It may take me a bit, but I will write it!

~ Unicorn

Published: April 11th, 2022

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