It'll Be Alright... [Songfic]

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*hands over chapter* here, have sadness /hj /lh

Sad chapter timeeee! This chapter is a songfic, I think, I don't fully know what this is tbh. Either way, it's based off of the song Be Alright by Dean Lewis. So prepare for the sadness.

Shorter chapter because short motivation surge and I am tired while writing this.

Edit: probably not as sad as some of my other chapter, ignore past me saying this is very sad /lh

TW: swearing


~  Colle's PoV ~ 

I walk over to Red, who is using a portal-like mirror to watch his friends from the Overworld. More specifically, Orange, well, Rainbow Steve now. As I get closer, I notice tears running down his face, silently. His long and fluffy hair wisps in the wind, long enough to blow behind him. Worried, I rush over, and see the reason why he's crying. 

Through the mirror, Rainbow and Sabre are kissing. Rainbow had moved on from Red. My eyes widen, as I figured Orange would've moved on, but not this quickly, nor with Sabre. Nothing against either of them, though, I'm just surprised.

Red looks away, trying to hide his vulnerability. I reach to touch his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him, but he brushes my hand away, cold. I wonder, what is going on in his mind?

"I made a dumb mistake," Red says, his voice trembling and breaking. "I made a mistake, hoping he wouldn't move on, when I should've been hoping he would."

I carefully walked over to him and lightheartedly say, "I know you love him, but it's over, mate. It doesn't matter, put the mirror away. It's never easy to walk away, let him go... It'll be alright."

He goes silent, and I worry I overstepped. He does still love Orange, that much is clear, and he hasn't fully let Orange go. He needs to, though. He can't keep on holding into Orange while Orange is moving on.

I use the connection I still had with the Elite Leader, the one that he used to track our whereabouts while in the Overworld. I use it to ask for backup, from him and the other Elites. While I can try to comfort Red alone, I know it won't be enough. He needs more support than just me.

Red turns to me, still crying. He gives a look of knowing, or agreeing. But, I can also see that he wants to look back at the mirror, knowing that it'll hurt him. He gives a sigh, and looks back at the mirror.

~ Red's PoV ~

I know I shouldn't, I really shouldn't. Still, I look back at the mirror, knowing it wasn't right, that it was fucking with my head. It's almost like everything was deleted, just the past, it was gone. Whenever I look at his face, I can tell he's moved on. But, it's not the fact that he kissed him today, it's the feeling of betrayal that I just can't seem to shake. Everyone and everything I know keeps telling me that I should walk away, but I just want to stay...

My friend Colle, once again says, "I know you love him, but it's over, mate. It doesn't matter, put the mirror away. It's never easy to walk away, let him go.... It'll be okay."

I look at him, teary eyed, and notice that the other Red Elites are standing beside him. I guess he called for them while we were talking, most likely using that connection he was telling me about yesterday. Speaking of that, I should ask him more questions about it...

Snapping out of my wandering thoughts, I put my focus back on the Elites. Sharp offers a warm smile, spark is just standing there, unsure as to how to act, and Elite Leader looks at me, concerned and worried. Beef just nods at me, and I nod back.

Beef then walks over to me and says, "It's gonna hurt for a bit of time, so bottoms up, let's forget tonight. You'll find another and you'll be just fine, let him go."

Beef was... never the best at comforting, but for some reason, what he said did comfort me. He was more of the fighter of the group, that was until Colle started to become more of the fighter for.. reasons that happened generations ago.

The rest of the Elites walk over to me and start to comfort me, each in their own way.

While yes, this will hurt for a bit of time, I do need to move on, maybe even find another. I will be fine, I know I will.


Welp, that's all folks /ref

Tbh I wanted to make this longer, but I ran out of ideas

I'm gonna go listen to music till I fall asleep, most likely around 10:30 or 11.

Cya in another month /hj

~ Unicorn

Published on December 22nd, 2022

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