Something Just Like This ~ Sharp x Goggles

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Okay so this is a songfic. Me and Voilaxy were listening to music and he gave me the idea to write this because it reminded us of Sharp singing it to Goggles. Thank you V for this idea! :D

This may not be the best because I've never done a songfic before, so this is a first. 


~ Sharps PoV ~

I walk around the Red Kingdom, taking a look at the beautiful scenery. Beside me, holding my hand, is my lovely boyfriend, Goggles. I look over at him, a smile plastered on my face. He seems to notice I'm staring at him, and he turns his head and sees me. He smiles back.

We stop walking and fully face each other. I stare lovingly into his eyes, and he stares back. I use our interlocked hands to pull Goggles closer.

"oh!" He says as I pull him to my chest.

I use my other hand and gingerly grab his chin. I gently tilt his face up, slowly leaning in. He leans up, and we stop when there is only a hair of space between us. Our breath mingles together, fanning across our faces.

I smirk, staying still to see how long this will last. It doesn't last long, as Goggles closes the space between us. Our lips move in sync, and I close my eyes. He hums, and I smirk within the kiss.

It doesn't last long, Goggles pulls away before I do, a grim look present on his face. I look at him, confused as to why he looks so upset.

"Goggles? Is something wrong?" I softly ask.

"It's just... gosh, how do I say this?" He mumbles to himself.

I gently put my hand on his shoulder. "Goggles, you know you can tell me anything, right?"

He sighs. "You... You deserve better than me."

I'm taken aback by his words. What does he mean by that? Does he feel unworthy of my love?

"Goggles, what do you mean?" I ask.

"Sharp, think about it. You're a Red Elite, and I'm only a new professor. You... Oh my Origin, you'd be better off with Beef than me. At least he can protect you with his strength. Or the Desert Steve's with their gold and such. Or the-" Goggles continues to rant about how I'm better off with anybody but him.

Why... Why! Why?! Why does he think this way? Did I do something to make him feel like this? Did somebody tell him something? Was it...

Was it Dread?

Goggles finishes his rant.

"You'd just be better off with anyone but me, Sharp. I don't even know why you're dating me. Is it out of pity? Huh? Do you simply pity me, which is why you're dating me?"

"Goggles, no. I-"

"You sure?" He cuts me off.

"Goggles," I sigh, then remember the song I started to write for him. I never completed it, but I did finish the beginning part, which may help him realize I chose him for a reason.

"What?" He mumbles.

"Goggles, I've been reading books of old, the legends and the myths. Achilles and his gold, Hercules and his gifts," I start to sing him the lyrics.

"Sharp, what are you talking about?" Goggles questions as I continue the song.

"Spider-mans control, and batman with his fists. But clearly I don't see myself upon that list."

"... Sharp?"

At this point, a crowd starts to form around us.

"He said, 'where'd you wanna go? How much you wanna risk?'"


I grab Goggles' hands gently, and I stare into his eyes.

"I'm not looking for somebody with some superhuman gifts."

He's silent and stares into my eyes.

"Some superhero, some fairytale bliss."

He's still silent, though now slowly leaning into me.

"Just somebody I can turn to, somebody I can kiss."

I pause until there is barely any space in-between our faces. Our breathing fans onto the other, our close proximity making Goggles shut his eyes.

"I want something just like this," I mumble, then he kisses me.

The kiss is sweet, just like Goggles. Our lips fit like a puzzle, moving in synch. I gingerly put my hands on his waist, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss. His arms wrap around my neck, tangling his fingers in my hair.

A lot of 'awh's can be heard, though I ignore them. All I'm focused on in this moment is Goggles.

We pull away, and he looks into my eyes, his usual goofy smile on his face. We rest our foreheads together

"You didn't have to go all out, you could've just said 'I love you'" he lovingly murmurs at me.

"Well, Goggles, I love you."

"I love you too, Sharp."

We kiss again, and I swear I ascend right into the World Beyond.


Whoo, I have finished this... late at night but whatever. I wanted this to be finished, and now it is complete.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the fluff and songfic.

Have a good day/night!


Published July 22nd, 2022

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