Ladybug Duo ~ Let Me Take Care Of You

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Requested by -sneakysquirrel-
Thank you for the request! I apologize for how long this took me to write, but I hope you like it nonetheless!

Yes, I used both Shadow and Shabre as names, deal with it.

~ Shadow Sabre's PoV ~

I sneeze for the hundredth time today. I groan and grab a tissue to blow my nose.

I hate this. I hate being sick. I need to help stop Sabre from doing whatever it is he's trying to do with the Core of the Red Kingdom, but M, though he can't talk, has made me stay bedridden. He can write a very good argument.

I can't stop Sabre if I'm sick and injured. If anything, it'd make my condition worse.

But, on the other hand, I feel useless. Worthless. A disappointment. A failure.

I just.. I can't keep just sitting- well, lying- here, knowing that people's lives are at stake.

Not only that, but The Great One will need my assistance. The Darkness needs me, though The Great One said I'm not and Elite anymore... No. Either way, the Darkness needs me.

The bedroom door opens to reveal M. His long poppy hair is disheveled, and his ripped brown cloak is wrinkled. He silently walks over to me and stares down at me.

I sigh. "Yes, M?"

M takes out his paper and pencil and starts to write down his response. That's how we've been talking lately. It took us a while to figure out a way- well, for me to figure out a way since M can't talk. Not talking makes thinking and communicating said ideas really challenging. 

'How are you feeling?' is what he wrote.

"Erg, still like a pile of chicken poop," I respond, and M looks like he'd be laughing if he was able to.

'What are your symptoms that you know of?' M asks.

"Uh, headache, constant sneezing and stuffy nose, a stomach that does tree hopping, and no will to move," I list off. Right after, I go into a coughing fit. "Oh and coughing till my chest feels like it wants to explode."

M makes the face of someone mentally sighing, and writes his response.

'This is probably a cold you caught due to your injuries somehow. It should go away in a few days if you let me take care of you.'

"But- But," I stumble for words, but M cuts me off with a finger to my lips. He shakes his head, his hair falls into his face.

'No buts. If you want to stop Sabre, you're going to need rest. End of story,' M writes while giving me a stern look.

"Ugh, fine. But I won't enjoy it," I grumble.


~ Third Person PoV ~

Two days have passed since Shabre has gotten ill. He, though reluctantly, allowed M to care and comfort him during those two days.

Though, Shabre has still not fully recovered from the illness nor his injuries.

"M, I'm fine," Shadow grumbles.

M shakes his head quickly. He swiftly writes his response.

'No, you're not. Your leg was bleeding just three minutes ago. You are not ready to go out to battle.'

Shadow sighs. "But it's fine now."

'Just because you're mainly Darkness doesn't mean your Injuries will be left unattended to. You need to heal before you go waltzing out to face Sabre.'

Shadow states at M, both astonished at how he can write so fast and agitated that he won't let him leave.

"I'll be fine, M. The Darkness and Great One will guide my wound to be healed, there's no need to worry about them."

M just stares blankly at Shadow, dumbfounded at how stupid Shadow is acting. It's like taking care of a child. Shadow was not yet fit to leave, as his injuries can easily reopen and he is liable to exert himself past his lowered limit.

'Shadow, you're not leaving and that's final.'

"Ughhhhh, whatever." Shadow storms away further into the house.

M stands there, silent and upset. All he wants to do is care for Shabre and make sure he's healthy, but Shabre's attitude is making his job really difficult to complete.

Shabre, on the other hand, is annoyed that M is being so overprotective. Shadow, also, is confused as to why M cares for him so much. Shadow destroyed the Red Kingdom and killed so many Red Steve's. So why would the apprentice to the Red Leader care for him and protect him?

Shadow, lost in his thoughts, sat down on the couch. He just stares forward, though his mind was very much elsewhere.

M searched the house, looking for Shadow to make sure he didn't wreck anything or leave. Knowing how Shadow can be, either is a possibility.

M reaches the bottom floor of the house to see Shadow on the couch, staring onward at the kitchen, a blank expression on his face. M walks over to Shadow and leans his head against his shoulder. This action surprises Shadow out of this thoughts, and he turns his head to face his silent red friend.

In an attempt at comforting M, Shadow wraps his arm around him. The action works as intended, and M snuggles closer to Shadow, now resting his head on Shabre's chest.

They don't stay awake long as both of them fall into the arms of sleep.


Okay, and that's the end! Sorry if this wasn't ass good as my usual writing pieces, I was working with a sliver of motivation and the will to finish this. I also didn't know how to end it, so that's why it a bit sudden of an ending.

Anyways, I'm getting a bit tired, considering it's 12:04 am for me.


~ Unicorn

Published July 16th, 2022

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