Run ~ FavreMyGalaxy

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Another one nobody requested (mainly because nobody has made any requests.) This one takes place when Sabre and Galaxy went to the Great Library when Void was also trying to get in (basically between episodes 352 - THE GREAT LIBRARY, and episode 355 - COLLAPSE OF THE GREAT LIBRARY) I hope y'all like this. Also, please send requests, I'm slowly running out of ideas 😅.


The Great Librarian left to get resources to protect The Great Library from Void Steve. Galaxy Steve looks around the library, probably searching for something to help get his powers, or even his memories, back. Though, it will probably take a lot of searching, as the shelves have no labels.

I hear a groan from Galaxy Steve.

"Galaxy Steve, are you okay?" I ask, concerned.

"Yeah, just trying to find a book that could help us get my powers back. Maybe even my memories," Galaxy Steve says. "Maybe we could leave and find the Librarian and maybe he can help?"

"We shouldn't leave this place alone, especially with Void Steve out there. We can just wait for The Librarian here," I state. I don't want to leave The Great Library unguarded while Void Steve is out there..

"Yeah, you're right," Galaxy Steve reluctantly agrees. He walks over to me, and rests his head onto my shoulder. He wraps his arms around my torso and embraces me in a hug. I hug him back, and he holds onto me tighter.

I start to hear Galaxy Steve's cries being muffled by my shoulder, the chicken onesie soaking up the tears, leaving a wet spot where his head rests. I rub his back soothingly.

"It'll be okay, Galaxy Steve. We'll figure it out, we always do," I softly mumble.

I continue to rub his back, trying to calm him down. He continues to hold me tighter and tighter, almost making me unable to breathe.

"I'm bac-" The Great Librarian starts when we hear an explosion. Galaxy Steve let's go and quickly looks around, though stays close to me.

Another explosion sounds.

A demonic laugh sounds throughout the library.

Void Steve's laugh.

I turn to Galaxy Steve, as he does the same. Panic and a hint of fear is visible on his face.

I turn to the Great Librarian, who is keeping a calm demenor.

"Are you two ready to run?" He asks.

"Uhhh, yes..?" Galaxy Steve questionably.

"Great Librarian, what are you talking about?" I question him.

"Sabre," Galaxy Steve says.

I turn in his direction.


355 words! Not entirely proud of this one. I was rewatching The Steve Saga while writing this, so I wasn't entirely focused. Well, I hope you enjoyed this shorter one.. hopefully future one shots will be longer than this one....

Please send any requests you have for a one shot, requests are open!

Anyways, see you in the next one!

~ Unicorn

FavreMySabre SCU One Shots [Requests Closed]Where stories live. Discover now