Something Just Like This Pt 2

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Totally didn't publish this then five minutes later unpublished it and now the next day I'm republishing it.. yeah I did /lh

Oh what's this, a book update after months of inactivity? Yup, i'm- not really back, this was just a result of a random motivation spike when I was rereading part 1 of this.

Yup, part 2 to Something Just Like This, but in Goggles' perspective.

Did this end up being longer than the original? Yup. Is this one probably more sad? Also yup.

"Cant have adorableness without the sadness" - my writing logic, probably /hj /lh

So uh, idk if this classified as a TW, but there are mentions of self doubt, overthinking, and just overall questioning a relationship. Also there's swearing.

Please ignore any grammer or pov mistakes, it's 10:40pm, I'm tired and I have a headaches, and this was more difficult than I thought.

~ Goggles' PoV ~

Me and Sharp walk around the Red Kingdom, hand in hand. Sharp looks around the kingdom, his eyes wandering, taking in the beautiful scenery. I'll admit, even though I haven't been to the other kingdoms before, ours is best. Totally not biased at all, nope.

I look around as well, but start being cautious when I can feel Sharps stare. Well- not literally feel, but I can tell he's starting. Why is he staring? I quickly silence the intrusive thoughts when I turn my head to see my boyfriend smiling at me. I return the smile, though at first it's forced, it ends up genuine.

He stops walking, which causes me to stop as well. He turns to fully face me, and I do the same as well. He stares into my eyes with nothing but love in his gaze, which I gladly return. But I can't help but wonder... why me?

Sharp ends up pulling me closer by using our interlocked hands.

"oh!" I say once I land into his chest.

Sharp uses his other hand and gingerly grabs my chin, tiling my face up to look at him. He slowly leans in, which I do as well, having to use my tippy toes as he is a bit taller than me. We both stop once there is only a hair if space between us. Our close distance makes our breath mingle together, fanning across our faces.

He smirks, staying still. He's teasing me. He's trying to see how long I'll last.
I don't last long, I quickly close the space between the two of us. Our lips move in sync, which I love. I softly hum into the kiss, which causes Sharp to smirk.

I try to keep the kids going as long as possible, but my intrusive thoughts make it difficult.

He doesn't love me. I'm not worth his time. Why would he love me when there's so many other people who are better than me? I can't protect him, why would he love me.

I pull away with a grim look, unable to stop the intrusive thoughts that plague my mind. Sharp looks at me, confused and worried.

"Goggles? Is something wrong?" He softly asks.

I've fucked up, he thinks he did something wrong. Gosh, all I do is fuck things up. I can't even keep a relationship going strong, I keep faltering like this. Fuck.

"It's just... gosh, how do I say this?" I end up mumbling to myself, unsure as to how I'm supposed to word this.

Sharp gently puts his hand on my shoulder, which causes me to look down at the ground. "Goggles, you know you can tell me anything, right?"

I sigh, finding out how to at least word part of how I feel. "You... You deserve better than me."

Sharp looks surprised at my words, and I can't help but feel worse. What if saying this fucked things up more? What if he hates me now? What if he thinks I don't love him? What if-

"Goggles, what do you mean?" He asks, which shake my from all the what ifs.

"Sharp, think about it. You're a Red Elite, and I'm only a new professor. You... Oh my Origin, you'd be better off with Beef than me. At least he can protect you with his strength. Or the Desert Steve's with their gold and such. Or the-" I vent to him about how I feel, about how I think he'd be better off with anyone else but me.

Throughout the whole rant, Sharp looks hurt, which makes this even harder. I don't want to hurt him, that's the last thing I want to do, but I.. can't keep hiding how I feel. While I vent though, a new what if came to mind. What if he was dating me out of pity?

"You'd just be better off with anyone but me, Sharp. I don't even know why you're dating me. Is it out of pity? Huh? Do you simply pity me, which is why you're dating me?" I finish my vent, no longer hiding how I feel.

"Goggles, no. I-"

"You sure?" I cut him off, my doubts winning my mental fight.

"Goggles," Sharp sighs, and looks like he remembers something.

"What?" I mumble, my mind all over the place.

"Goggles, I've been reading books of old, the legends and the myths. Achilles and his gold, Hercules and his gifts," Sharp starts to sing what seems to be lyrics of a song. A new song, though, cause I don't recognize the lyrics. Then again, I haven't listened to  every existing song.

"Sharp, what are you talking about?" I question him, but he continues to sing.

"Spider-mans control, and batman with his fists. But clearly I don't see myself upon that list."

"... Sharp?"

From this.. situation, a crowd has started to form, which makes my palms sweaty.

"He said, 'where'd you wanna go? How much you wanna risk?'"


He grabs my hands gently and stared into my eyes. All my doubts and what ifs fade, all because of the look he's giving me. The look of pure love.

"I'm not looking for somebody with some superhuman gifts."

I'm silent as I stare into his eyes, into his gorgeous ruby red eyes that I adore so much.

"Some superhero, some fairytale bliss."

I remain silent as I slowly lean in, unable to resist. I just- I just need to kiss him, right now.

"Just somebody I can turn to, somebody I can kiss."

We pause until there is barely any space in-between our faces. Our breathing fans onto the other. Due to our close proximity, I close my eyes, awaiting the kiss.

"I want something just like this," Sharp mumbles, and I am no longer able to resist. I end up kissing him.

The kiss is perfect, just like my amazing boyfriend. Everything about him is just perfect. He gingerly puts his hands on my waist, and pulls me closer. This deepens the already perfect kiss, somehow making it even more perfect. I wrap my arms around his neck, tangling my fingers into his fluffy red hair that I love.

A lot of 'awh's can be heard, and embarrassment blooms inside of me. I want to just dissapear, but take my boyfriend with me. The crowd can just go away, all I want is my boyfriend.

We pull away, and I look into his eyes, my usual goofy smile on my face. We rest our foreheads together

"You didn't have to go all out, you could've just said 'I love you'" I lovingly murmurs at him, shocked that he did all this for me.

"Well, Goggles, I love you."

"I love you too, Sharp."

We kiss again, and I swear I somehow love him even more than I did before, which already was with my entire being.


And on that note im gonna either go to sleep or make up fantasy scenarios in my mind because why the hell not.

Also, thanks to this and part 1, I can no longer hear the song without thinking of / imagining this. Its great. /lh

Welp, cya whenever I get another spike of motivation

Published: November 6, 2022

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